Chapter 5: Dinner and An Introduction Do Over

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                  It was 2:58 and Niall stood in front of the door waiting on A lana

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                  It was 2:58 and Niall stood in front of the door waiting on A lana. "You ready to go yet" he called out *"yeah, i'll be out in a minute"* a quiet voice called back. Niall sighed and finished rolling up the sleeve on his white dress shirt and ran his hand over his suit pant leg. "Don't be such an ass to her tonight" he said quietly. He ran out to start the car.

                 Alana, Hearing the car start, took one last look in the mirror. She had curled her hair and put it into a simple updo. She applied a bit more eyeliner and some lipstick. She thought that her simple hair and makeup complimented the fancier dress she had on. She smiled and slipped on her heels, heading out the door and making her way to the drive way. She walked outside and the warm summer air caused her to smile. She walked towards niall and as she was about to get to him her turned around and began to speak "he-" he stopped and stared at her, a look of pure shock spread across his face. She blushed and looked down *"is it too much? I can go chan-"* "NO! i -I mean, yo-you look great" he whispered rubbing the back of his neck. She smiled at him and climbed into the passenger seat of the car. Niall climbed in and looked at her one last time, before pulling out of the driveway and heading to his moms. The drive was quiet, the only sound, a low hum from the radio station Niall had playing. Alana kept her gaze focused out the window, sneaking quick glances at Niall every now and then, and him doing the same. When they finally arrived at Mauras, Niall was thankful that his mother came out to greet them. "I'm so glad you decided to come with this jerk! Has he been nice to you dear? You look stunning" maura exclaimed as she hugged Alana. Alana giggled and hugged her back, whispering in her ear *"He has been nice. Afterall, i am still employed right. And thank you, you look great as well"* she said giggling and walking into the house arm in arm with Maura. Niall stood in the driveway for a moment, yelling at himself for not talking to her on the ride over, thinking how he went completely breathless when he turned to see her. She looked more beautiful that anyone he had ever seen. He knew in his heart, he was falling and he knew, he was screwed. "Such a bloody idiot" he mumbled, walking into his mother's home.

                  Dinner went great. Maura and Theo kept Alana occupied the entire time, much to niall's dismay. Standing at the counter in his mother's kitchen, as the family served themselves the apple pie Maura had made, Niall couldn't keep his eyes off her, and couldn't help but be thankful his mother had hired this beautiful woman. As Alana walked back into the dining room, Theo hanging at her hip, Niall sighed and took another swig of the brandy in his hand. "She's beautiful huh?" Maura asked her son, patting his back. "More than" Niall said before he realized what he had been asked. "ugh , i-i mean, she's ok-okay" niall said clearing his throat and looking into the brandy glass intently. His cheeks the same red Alana's had turned earlier. Maura laughed, "I told you that you would like her son, but you didn't believe me. I knew something was special about her, as soon as i opened your front door. But she has been through alot and she really needed this job. Don't get rid of her Ni." and with that, she walked back into the dining room and struck up another conversation, leaving Niall to wonder how his mother knew so much about her, and he didn't even know her name. Pouring himself the 6th cup of brandy, and walked back into the dining room. 'Maybe the alcohol will help me change that tonight' he sighed to himself. 'I sure hope so'.

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