Chapter 12

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Demi's POV

It was thursday. 2 days ago since my mistake at the school. The teacher called to Diana and told her everything what happened, she has beem extremely upset this days - she's been always crying, i have noticed. She told me that i had to stay home some days - which i did. I haven't been in school since that day, tuesday. That day my whole world turned upside down. Everything changed. My whole bad life came back - especially when Justin left me. Justin that i trusted, Justin that made me feel better about myself. I hate myself for the thing I did to him. I made him think that i hated him, which was not true.

And that's why i started to selfharm myself again. I couldn't handle all this pain. It was too much. I could handle it before - with everything my father and Freddie, i tried so hard but now i finally i broke down.

Jacob is coming over everyday, he's been there for me right now when i'm going through this. But i don't feel saved, i don't feel good enough - when I was with Justin, i felt saved, good, just amazing. I don't even know why, he's such a jerk. First he's all kind of sweet, cute Justin, and then he suddenly turns to a mad, bad, annoying Justin. God he's so confusing.. Jacob told me that Justin has been ignoring him in the school, and he looked like shit.

I really hope it isn't my fault..

Who am I kidding? Of course it's because of me. The pain in my heart grew heavier. Everything is because of me. If i just died everyone will feel better without me.

" Demi" i heard Diana softly calling, why aren't she sleeping? it's 3 a.m.

" Uh yeah?" i whispered

" Why aren't you sleeping?" she asked sleepily

" I could ask you the same question" i whispered

" Demi, you have to go to school tomorrow, sleep now" Dammit i forgot about my hell place. I wonder if people are scared of me now? And i'm not ready to face more problems, more pain. And im sure as hell are not ready to face Justin.. oh god..

" Okay" i whispered and turned around on the left side - since the door was on the right.

Diana sighed and whispered goodnight, she probably went down to drink more alcohol as usually.. how i hate myself..

Next day i woke up earlier than usually. I took an shower and did my bussines in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked.. horrible.

Almost purple bags under eyes.

I tried to take as much makeup as i could. They don't like what i wear, they don't get my hair? People should get a life. Life isn't about how you dress or how you look. Life is about having fun bc you only live once.

I waved goodbye to Diana and started walking down the street.

" Demi!" i heard someone yell

I turned around and smiled

" Jacob" i said as he ran closer and took some breaths

" Hi" he said and checked me out

" Hey" i smiled

" How are you? Are you okay? Did you sleep well? Are you upset? Are you.."

" Jacob!" i yelled and stopped him before he kept asking me question. He always was so worried for me. It's so amazing to have an friend like Jacob.

Talking about Kelsey.. I haven't seen her either. She's on a family vacation. Her father took them to Spain because of Kelsey's mother had a birthday. So i guess he took her to spain. Im not juding them, they're very rich though. So i guess Kelsey doesn't even know what's going on with my life right now. And i guess it's better like that.

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