Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

When lunch was over I walked to my next class with Tyler . We both have the same Language Arts teacher. When we got to class I sat by him.

Tylers P.O.V..

As we sat in class I couldn't help but think about Alexis. I am worried for her. She has a lot going on in her life. Especially with her father. It hurts me everyday to look in her eyes and see so much pain and suffering.

So I try my best to care for her as a friend... Ever since the first day I met her I had strong feelings for her. But I would never let her know how I feel. She already has enough crap in her life and she doesn't have time for me.

Mr. Robins gave an assignment and I had no idea what I was suppose to do. "What are we suppose to do,Alexis?" I asked curiously. She giggled at me and explained.

"Well first you.." once she finished explaining I finally got it. She was still smiling at the fact that I didnt get it. I liked it when she smiled. When she smilied it made me want her even more.

Class ended shortly after that. "Thank you for explaining the assignment to me" I said getting up and walking out of class. "Its ok I know you be in your own little world sometimes" she said smiling then it went away quickly. As I starred at her I noticed how she started to look a little frightened.

Then I remembered she had to tell her father about the talent show. "Its going to be okay Alexis.. I can come over if you want? Will that make you feel better if I did?" I asked hoping she would say yes. I hated to see her scared. "Yes it would make me feel alot better, Tyler.. thank you".

"Your welcome, I would do anything for you" I really would do anything for her, she means alot to me. I went closer to Alexis and gave her a hug.

"Why are you so nice to me Tyler? You really care" she asked as she pulled away from me. "I'm so nice to you because I'm your friend remember?" I said remembering I can't go above a friendship. "Yeah. You are.... well I should go see you later". "Bye,Alexis..."

Alexis P.O.V.

I walked home slowly not in a rush to get there.. at all. I am scared of what my father is going to do. When I made it home I took my keys out and unlocked the door and walked in.

"What took you so long to get here Alexis?" He said starring at me in frustartion. "Nothing daddy I'm sorry" I said hoping he wouldn't hit me. "I have to tell you something daddy".

"What is it now?". It took me a while to respond. "I-I have to stay after school" Before I knew it he had already punched me in the face and I was on the floor crying.

"What did you get yourself into now?!" He yelled. He was hard for me to speak when my jaw hurt. "I just need to stay after to find my talent".

"TALENT?! You need to find a talent?!... bullshit!" He yelled and looked at me in disbelief. "Yeah,ok you can stay after school for that. But your worthless butt better be back right after that, hear me?". "Ye-yes sir" I said stammering over my words.

"Good. Not get up stairs". I grabbed my stuff and ran upstairs to my room. That actually went better than I thought. Could've been worse.

I stayed in my room until I knew my dad was asleep. Then I heard light knocking on the front door down stairs. I went down quietly and opened the door and saw Tyler. "Hey". "Hey... what happened to your face?" Crap I forgot my dad punched me.

"I'll tell you when we get in my room, come on" I said in a whisper. He came in and we walked quietly to my room. Once we was in I made sure my door was closed. "Ok so what happened?" He asked as he sat on the bed. I went over and sat next to him and explained what happened.

When I was done explaining, he looked pissed. "Its OK Tyler" I said calmingly. "It went better than I thought...". "No, its not ok that bastard hurt you" he said angrily. "Its ok Tyler.. really dont be mad." He started to calm down. He leaned over and kissed my bruise and rubbed it gently. "Better?". "Yeah.. alot better."

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