Chapter 2

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Chapter Two 

Once class was over I rushed out of my seat and left, eager to get to my next class. "Whats the matter with you?" Ariana said as she grabbed my shoulder. "Nothing, just leave me the fuck alone OK?"  I said angrily while pushing her hand off my shoulder. Why does she always think something is wrong with me? Maybe because there is...

  I was nearly running the halls, trying to get as far away from her as I can. She was already asking too many questions. "You OK, Alexis?" Tyler asked while trying to catch up to me. "Yeah I'm fine, I told you I would see you at lunch". "Yeah I know, but I'm getting worried now, whats wrong?"

He asked while grabbing on to my shoulders and stopping me in the middle of the hallway. "Nothing, Just go away OK Tyler?" I asked pleadingly. He knows I'm going to tell him sooner or later. "Tell me whats wrong, Alexis" He said while looking into my eyes. I finally gave in. "OK, I'll tell you at lunch. I'm going to be late for class".

"OK" He said as he let go of my shoulders. I already started walking away from him. "I'll be waiting for you Alexis" he said jokingly. I know he was joking but something told me that he really was going to be waiting for me.

  I'm glad I have a friend like Tyler. He really cares for me. He's the only one that's really cared since my mom died. He was always there for me. I finally arrived in class just before the bell ringed. I found a seat in the back by myself. I quickly went to my seat and sat there quietly.

I liked being by myself in class. The reason for that is because when someone sits beside me they always want to get into a conversation and they always want to know about my life, and I definitely cant risk that. 

  The teacher, Mr. Robins finally arrived in the class. "Hello class. A talent show is coming up in three months and everyone needs to participate". Everyone in the room cheered, but me. For the rest of the class he went on talking about the expectations for the talent show.

   When class was over I went up to Mr. Robins to talk to him."Hey Alexis, what can I do for you?". "Um do I have to do the talent show?" I asked hoping he would say no, but I doubt he would."Yes you do Alexis, why wouldn't you have to? Whats the matter?". He asked looking concerned.

"It's just that i'm not good at anything" I said looking down."You are good at something, you got to be, you just don't know yet. You could be good at singing, playing the instrument, art or maybe even dancing you should try them and see which one your good at". 

"But when will I-". "Try them after school everyday until you find something" He said knowing he wasn't going to take no for an answer."OK I'll be there" I said in a near whisper and walking out of the room. "We can start tomorrow!" he said shouting out of the class room door.

  I started walking down the hall on my way to lunch. When I arrived I saw Tyler waiting at the door  for me. "So you gonna tell me now?" he said with a grin on his face. "Yeah, I wouldn't lie to you' I said with a smile appearing on my face. We walked to our normal lunch table and sat. "OK so what happened?" I told Tyler everything from this morning until now. He was so easy to talk to.  

  "Wow, so what are you going to do about the talent show thing? Your dad won't let you". "Yeah I know. I don't know what I'm going to do" I said getting worried. Tyler leaned over and gave me a hug. "It's OK Alexis. I will be there with you all the way." he said while squeezing me tightly. "You will?". "Of course I will.. you know that...."

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