Chapter 22

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I was shirtless, bleeding and chained to a chair. They learned that I could break the ropes, that was a fun time. They hit me over and over again, whips cut into my skin. I laughed at them. Then, Esteban himself, strolled in. "Amigo, you can make it all stop if you would simply give me what is mine." I snarled at him, "Claire and Sophia are mine and I will never let you near them." He laughed, "Her husband sold them to me, I have seen how sweet they are, I even had a small taste of your Claire. She was not awake, but I only dipped a finger in. So sweet, I wasn't going to sell her yet. I was going to keep her as my own personal pet for awhile." I let out a growl that shook the ground, "I will kill you, mark my words, Amigo." He laughed and walked from the room, pausing at the doorway. " I already have Sophia and I will have Claire before you know it." 

I snarled as he left. I inhaled deeply, he was lying and I could smell it. Good, my daughter was still safe at home with her mommy. They stopped beating for a while, I guess they were tired. This cycle continued, beatings, threats, beatings, rest. I felt like I had been here for weeks. I missed Claire, I missed my starfish. I closed my eyes and saw their faces, heard their laughter. I pictured Claire's belly growing with our pup, him and Sophia playing together. She was going to be a great sister. The door flew open and Esteban came in, his face pinched in anger. 

"What is wrong, Amigo?" I mocked him. He slapped me across the face and I laughed. "I have had cops raiding my homes, all of them, my business, my warehouse, everything is being raided and seized. This place, however, they don't know about. This is a new place. I am going to blame all my losses on you and that bitch! I am going to take it out on both of you. I have men going to get her right now and they have orders to kill anyone in their path. Sleep on that, Amigo." He nodded to the men behind him and I was injected with something. I found myself in and out of conciseness. 

When I opened my eyes, my blood froze in my veins, There was Sophia and Claire, hanging from meat hooks by their arms and men were tearing their clothes off, touching them. I roared and they stopped and looked at me. Esteban laughed, "I told you I would have them." He grabbed Sophia and slit her throat, I watched her blood run down her tiny broken body. I screamed in agony, my pup, my baby, my starfish. He laughed, and a large man took her away, "I have plans for her." He said with an evil smile. 

I threw up, I was sick at the thought of what more he could do to my poor innocent baby. "Pay attention, Amigo." Esteban snapped at me. I turned to face him, he was holding Claire, tears running down her face, her naked body trembling. His hands roamed all over her, she whimpered. He made me watch as he raped her, over and over and over again. Her screams echoed in my mind. Then, he started to carve her up. One small piece at a time. I cried, screamed, roared, cursed. He never stopped, he never slowed. HE kept the same pace, ending my mate, my unborn child, my pup. He had taken it all from me, and he would pay dearly. 

"Do you have a wife and children, Esteban?" I rasped. He turned, "Of course I do, my wife is lovely, not quite as lovely as Claire was, but lovely none the less. I have four boys, strong and able. All men now, though. In fact, the one that is having a great time with your daughter is my oldest. He is very promising for when I retire." I nodded, "When I get loose, I am going to make you watch them all die before I kill you." He threw his head back and laughed.

"I like your style, I wish we had met under better terms, we could have been friends." I shook my head, "No, Amigo, you would have lived longer though." He turned and look at me. His cell phone rang, "Yes?" It must have been bad news because he began rapidly speaking in Spanish before he threw his phone and glared at me. "My two younger sons have been killed, a large man with pink hair killed a bunch of my men and my sons." I laughed, "Dane is quite vicious and very loyal. You fucked with the wrong person. I have a large family of beasts." 

He shot me, right in the chest and I laughed. I felt my heart beat slowing, but Dane would kill him, I wanted to be with my mate and my pups. He shot me over and over. Blood came from my mouth, bubbling with the laughter. "I may be dying, but you are already dead." I choked out. My field of vision was shrinking, sound was muffled, it was then that I finally smelled Claire's sweet scent. I smiled, "I am coming to you, my love. I am coming." I whispered. Darkness won, all was peaceful, and I was going to be with my family again. Jordan could take care of the pack. 

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