Chapter 1

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I have been working hard on the latest novel in my best-selling series, 'Savage' it's a werewolf series about rabid werewolves attacking innocent people and the group of hunters set on wiping them out. I am on book three. I know that when I am working like this, I don't spend as much time with Sophia. 

Sophia is the best of me. She's four, funny, and pure evil. In short, she's perfect. Her father and I were married for four years when I finally had her and she was the only good thing that came of our six years of marriage. 

I watch her sleep, today was a good day, I got several chapters done, I had lunch with Sophia, my sister, Juniper and her wife Charlotte, and Sophia was in a great mood. She looks like an angel, Long blonde curls, large blue eyes, peaches and cream skin, and a smile that lights up any room. She has a unique personality, but that is my favorite part of her. She looks sweet and innocent and can make anyone love her, but she has a rotten streak that could terrify the worse criminal. Her intelligence is her greatest gift. She is very quick witted, I feel sorry for her future spouse. 

As I head down the hall to my room, my cell rings. "Hello?" I answer. "Darling! We are back from New York and can't wait to see you and our sweet granddaughter." My mother's voice comes through. I grin, I love my family. "That's great, Mom. We will be over tomorrow. I know Sophia can't wait to see you and Pop again. I think that she is plotting something, though. I saw that look in her eyes earlier and I am a bit frightened. I mean the last time she did, we ended up with the Joneses." Mom laughed, "Well, darling, a family of sea monkeys are not the worst thing that could have happened." I sigh, "I know. I am off to bed, Mom. We will see you tomorrow afternoon." "I love you, sweetie." "I love you too, Mom." With that, I ended the call. 

The next morning, I woke up to a grinning Sophia, "Yes, my darling daughter?'' I asked with a yawn. She smiled a little wider, "What plans do we have today?" I narrowed my eyes at the little blonde angel, "Why?" She giggled, "No reason, really. I was just hoping to not be stuck inside all day."  I smiled, "Well, this afternoon we are going to visit someone special and I am taking a break from writing." She squealed, "Yeah! Road trip!" I laughed, "OK, let's go make some breakfast." 

After alien pancakes and sausage, we cleaned up the house and loaded up to go see my family, our family. Sophia was practically vibrating in her car seat. "I know where we are going." She sang out. I looked at her in the rearview mirror with a grin, "Oh yeah?" She nodded, "Yup, Mimi and Pop's, they are home aren't they?" I turned to look at her while sitting at a red light, "Maybe?" She narrowed her eyes at me, "Mommy, you can't fool me, we are going east, towards the highway, the only one's who live in that is Mimi and Pop and Aunt Juniper and Aunt Charlotte. We had lunch with them yesterday, so yeah." I chuckled as I merged on the highway, "Can't get anything past you, can I?" She shook her curls, "Nope, I am too smart for your tricks." 

She sat in thoughtful silence until we pulled into the driveway of my parent's house. Pop came running out with a grin, "Where is my favorite girl?" Sophia squealed and unbuckled her car seat and bolted to him. "Pop! I missed you!" He scooped her into his arms, hugging her tightly. I smiled as I climbed out of the car, looking at the man I call Pop. He was a tall man, lean muscles, thick black hair, sparkling blue eyes, and always a smile. My father has been a major fashion designer for the past thirty-five years. That's how he met my mother, a high fashion model. She is tall, thin, gorgeous, long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and the gentlest heart around. Mark and Lindsey Motts are wealthy and wonderful people. They have showered my sister Juniper and me in love and affection. When we were kids, our life was crazy but full of love. 

Juniper is four years older than me and my best friend. We talk every day and I can tell her anything. She looks like Mom, tall, model looks, but she has Pop's black hair and Mom's green eyes, I, on the other hand, have Mom's blonde hair and Pop's Blue yes, but I am not tall, at all.
I really don't look like either of my parents or my sister, but according to my Mom, I look just like her mother.  We make out way into the house and there is Juniper and her wife, Charlotte.

 Charlotte is awesome, brown hair, tall, well built, very toned, like a fighter, tons of tattoos and the sweetest woman on the planet. She loves my sister fiercely, and I am so happy that they are happy. I am wrapped in hugs from everyone and Sophia has grabbed Charlotte and dragged her off somewhere. I chuckle and Juniper cocks an eyebrow at me, "What?"

"My daughter has high jacked your wife, again.I wonder what that little girl is plotting this time, she has that look in her eyes." Juniper smiles and shakes her head, "Whatever it is, no doubt that Charlie will be in on it. It's like she is her personal minion." Mom and Pop join us in the living room, "So, how was Paris?" I ask and Mom's eyes light up, "Wonderful. Your father's line was a hit. It was bought right away and so proud. I saw that your series is doing well, several bookstores in Paris were carrying them. I asked one of the clerks told me that they can't keep them on the shelves. " Juniper clapped, "I told you that you are talented." I laughed, "Dude, we are all talented, your pictures are the best in the country. I saw some of them at my publisher's office and when I asked him he grinned and told me they were Juniper Motts originals and he paid a fortune for them. "
The day went on with us talking and laughing. I love my family.  On the way home, Sophia fell asleep and I tucked her into her bed and fell into a deep sleep soon after.

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