Chapter 10

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She wanted me to stay, I was finally going to sleep with my mate in my arms. I couldn't stop the smile that broke loose. "What is that grin for?" Charlie asked from the doorway. I looked at her, "Claire wants me to stay, to sleep with her." Claire laughed, "He said we would sleep better if we were together." Charlie nodded, "It's true, without June, I can barely sleep." Charlie sent me a wink over Claire's head and I nodded, "OK, let's get some sleep." We headed to the guest room and Claire gathered her sleep clothes and headed into the bathroom.

I stripped to my boxers quickly and climbed into bed. She stepped into the room in a tiny nightgown and I groaned internally, How the hell was I supposed to keep my dick in check when she looked like that? She flashed me a nervous smile and climbed into the bed. I laid down and she faced me. " I haven't really slept with anyone but Sophia when she had a nightmare, in years." I smiled, "Lay down, Claire. Let me hold you and you will relax." She nodded and scooted closer, laying her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and sighed. She was asleep in no time, and I was right behind her.

I felt her move and I woke up. She was sleeping still but seemed to be dreaming. She moaned slightly and I groaned, not the mating dreams. I can't handle that. Unfortunately, there was no stopping it. She was having dreams, sexy dreams that spiked her arousal. It was part of the process, to speed things along. She smelled wonderful and I was painfully hard. I slipped silently out of bed and into the bathroom for a cold shower. I needed to talk to her so that we could mate soon or I was going to have a problem.

Her dreams had calmed by the time I was slipping back into bed, but she seemed to be drawn to me because she was wrapped around me like a spider monkey. When the morning came, I found that I had slept better than I had in years. She was still sleeping when I slipped out of bed and threw my clothes on. I made my way to the kitchen for coffee. Charlie was standing there, dressed for the day. "Morning, Dallas. How was your night?" She grinned cheekily, she knows what I was going through because the same had happened with June.

I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed, "Mature, Alpha." I snorted, "Really, Charlie. I have seen you and your prank wars." She scoffed, " I have no idea what you are talking about." I rolled my eyes, "Of Course you don't and I am sure you don't have any clue how our Master of Arms has hot pink hair, either." She shrugged, "Not sure, there, Alpha, not sure at all." She said, turning to refill her coffee. "OH, and how about Jordan's unexpected haircut?" She almost spit out her coffee. "Now I had nothing to do with that, you might want to question my brother." I laughed, "I knew it! It had Zeke written all over it!"

The next thing I knew, I had a tiny blonde angel climbing into my lap. "Morning puppy." She mumbled sleepily, laying her head against my chest and yawning. I chuckled, "Morning, Starfish." She groaned, "Aunt Charlie, please tell me you have orange juice, I need the strong stuff this morning. Jaws was restless all night." I bit back a laugh as Charlie set a glass of juice in front of her. She blindly grabbed the glass and took a big drink. "That's the stuff." Charlie was trying not to laugh. Claire stumbled into the kitchen, hair everywhere and looking rather rumpled, but very sexy.

She fixed a cup of coffee before turning and seeing Sophia. "Oh, rough night? You are drinking the strong stuff." Soph nodded, "Jaws was restless." Claire smiled and winked at me before heading back to the room. She came back ten minutes later, dressed and showered. She quickly made everyone breakfast and was sitting it out when June stumbled in, looking very similar to her sister earlier. Rumpled and hair all over the place. "Oh, pancakes." Her eyes widened and she quickly sat down after giving Charlie a quick kiss.

After breakfast, I needed to go check on the pack business as well as what Jordan dug up on Tyler, so I kiss my girls and trudged to the pack house. Jordan was waiting in my office when I came in. "Well, you look rather rested, Buddy." He wiggled his eyebrows. I grinned, "I stayed the night, we slept with each other, just sleeping, but it was wonderful." He laughed, "Yeah, I hate not having Zeke at bedtime. I can never sleep." I nod, "OK, what do you have for me?" He sets a folder in front of me.

"Tyler Gibson Hayes, Twenty-eight, lives in Quinton in a house he has mortgaged to death, I mean four mortgages, seriously? He works for Blackwell Industries at a financial advisor and has been employed there for ten years. He is in debt up to his eyeballs and a long line of girlfriends that he throws money at, hence the debt. He married our lovely Luna for her parent's money, apparently, he admitted that to some of his coworkers, who all think he is a scumbag, but he is good at his job, so he gets to keep it. His Mother is dead, passed twelve years ago in a car accident, his father is in prison due to armed robbery because he had a gambling problem. He has no siblings, and his life is a waste of space. In fact, the only good thing he ever did was donate his sperm to make Sophia."

I was shocked by what I read in the file, so many women, so much debt, no wonder he was cracking and I couldn't imagine what he was capable of doing to my mate and pup. I growled just thinking about him being anywhere near them. "I want a detail on him at all times. If he scratches his balls, they need to know."

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