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"Are you sure that it's nothing?" Keith asked, glancing again at the purple crossword puzzle sneaking up Pidge's neck. Allura nodded.

"While it may not be 'nothing', it doesn't appear to be the cause of the-" Allura stopped as the healing pod hissed open, releasing the green paladin. The purple veins on her neck pulsed and she shook her head. She pressed her hands to her ears and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Pidge!" Keith yelled. She pulled her hands away from her ears and reached towards Keith. She wrapped her hands around his neck and tightened her grip as Keith scrambled backwards.

"Paladins to the infirmary!" Allura yelled, turning on the castle alarms. She ran towards Keith and Pidge, but before she could do anything, Keith kicked Pidge in the stomach. She released his neck and fell to the floor with a growl. Sweat was dripping down her face and the purple lines were visibly spreading up the side of her face.

"Did it happen again?" Shiro shouted, running into the room with his arm activated. Pidge lept towards him and tried to kick him but he carefully pulled her away. She tried to fight against his grip but stopped suddenly. A cloud of purple fog left her mouth and floated towards Shiro. The purple veins covering the right half of her face pulsed brightly.

Shiro coughed and fell to the floor.

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