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"Oh, it's fine." Pidge said, putting on a fake smile. Allura flashed her a concerned glance but said nothing.

"So what exactly did the space cow do after he got out of the hot dog factory?" Lance asked. Pidge raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, a real smile spread over her face. Her reply was hazy and didn't sound like her own.

"Well, that's for you to figure out."

"Did he.... Wait, I got it!" Lance grinned. "Did he bark his own hot dogs?" Shirl and Keith groaned, while Hunk slapped him on the back gently.

"Nice one." The yellow paladin complimented. Pidge could hardly make out his words; it was almost as if she was underwater.

"Can't..." Pidge gasped. It was so hard to force her words out.

"Are you okay?" Allura asked, standing up.

"I..." Pidge searched for the words. Whatever was going on, she needed to figure it out quick. She could feel her control over her words, mind and body slipping away from her.

"What?" Allura asked gently. She moved closer to Pidge.

"Not in control." The green paladin choked out before everything went black.


She woke up halfway through kicking Lance in the stomach while Shiro wrestled her arms behind her back. Keith had his Bayard at her throat and Hunk was yelling at her. Allura and Coran were nowhere to be seen. Pidge lowered her leg and stopped struggling.

"What the fuck just happened?" She gasped. Shiro and Keith exchanged a look.

"Is that really you?" Hunk asked coldly.

"I think so. The last thing I remember was... We were eating, and everyone thought I had told a joke. I started losing control of myself."

"That was about ten minutes ago." Lance confirmed, rubbing his arm. "You're one hell of a kicker."

"Did I hurt you?" Pidge gasped. "Oh my God, Lance, I'm so sorry!" Lance shot her a nervous glance, but kept silent. Shiro's grip on her hands tightened.

"Is that really you, Pidge?" He asked. Keith removed his Bayard from her throat but held it at his side.

"Yes." She answered.

"Tell me something only you would know. I know it's cheesey, but when you were attacking Lance, you didn't seem like yourself."

"My real name is Katie. I love peanut butter and peanut butter. I hate peanuts. I knew Lance and Hunk from the Garrison." Pidge rambled. Shiro sighed and let her go.

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