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Pidge glared at the castle as the distance between it and her lion grew.

"You're not useful as a part of the team..." Allura's voice was the only thing on Pidge's mind as she switched off tracking in her lion. She could feel that her lion didn't approve, but did nothing to stop her. And why should it? Like a certain satyr and demigod pair, Pidge and her lion were connected, they could feel the other's emotions and ideas.

"Maybe I'll prove just how useful​ I am." Pidge whispered to herself, but she was already easing her lion back towards the castle, drafting an apology in her mind...


"But she said it herself! She said that she could have helped more." Keith argued, crossing his arms again.

"I told you, she's too passive. Matt told me otherwise, but think about it. She lost her family, and she still hasn't found them. She's the youngest on a team of space heroes, and she doesn't know how to deal with it. None of us do." Shiro snapped. He sighed and began to compose himself. "Look, Keith, I know you're upset about Lance. We all are. But please try not to upset anyone more."

"Okay. I'm sorry." Keith said quietly, the edge gone from his voice.

"Don't tell me, tell her." Shiro smiled. "She ought to be coming back by now, huh?" Hunk nodded in response.

"Yep. Communication with the lion is down, but tracking is back up. Allura says she's approaching the castle." Hunk informed them, as he was the only one with his helmet on. "Hey, Lance just woke up!" He said, running towards the infirmary. Keith and Shirley followed immediately.

"Hey." Lance said as they approached him. He seemed tired, but healthy.

"Lance!" Hunk exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"Calm down." Lance smiled and scanned the​ room. "Did Pidge wake up before me?" Allura and Shiro exchanged a glance.

"What?" Keith asked.

"Did she wake up before me?" Lance repeated. "None of the other pods are active, so..."

"She wasn't in a pod." Shiro answered slowly. Lance's face fell, and he paled.

"Are you sure?" He asked shakily.

"Absolutely sure. After you were injured, she got upset and was having trouble breathing. She felt guilty about your injury and we made it worse." Allura said guiltily. Lance stared at her in shock.

"We were covering for each other, and after I got shot, she jumped in front of me and was stabbed in the stomach. If she wasn't put in a healing pod..." Lance explained, a worried expression plastered on his tan face.


Pidge was close to the castle now. She was unsure how she went so far in such little time, but it didn't matter.

"Almost there." She said, unaware of how faint her voice was, or how thin her breathing was. The castle grew larger until she saw the bay door open for her. She steered her lion towards the opening when an intense pain caught her attention. She gritted her teeth and kept her lion straight.

"Pidge, hurry! You need to get back here now!" Shiro commanded. She glared at the open hangar, unsure whether or not she wanted to talk to them.

She guided her lion onto the hangar floor, letting go of the controls before she collapsed on the floor.

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