• Chapter 9 •

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It was dark, quiet, and the only thing Rose wanted to do was take a bath. For two days, Brienne, Jaime, and Rose continued to row and Brienne entrusted Rose to take the oar when she needed rest, not Jaime. Jaime passed out hours ago but Rose couldn't sleep for more than ten minutes, anxiety of what the forests of Westeros hid and the hostile behavior Brienne was presenting was enough to keep her awake. Brienne rowed away, although Rose could tell the Lady Knight was getting more and more tired at each push. She watched Brienne with weary, tired eyes because since Renly was murdered, Brienne stayed on edge. She was already protective in her behavior but was ready to pounce on anyone at anytime. The offenses projected by Jaime made Brienne angry but she wouldn't let Jaime be the man who would break her. 

"Are you going to stare at me the entire way to King's Landing?" Brienne startled Rose who hadn't realized what she had been doing. Rose blinked at her eyes met Brienne's furrowed but also tired ones. Rose shook her head and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands. 

"I apologize my Lady. It was rude of me to stare." 

"I'm no Lady." Rose smiled just bit. Brienne hated being called a Lady. 

"Then what shall I call you?" Brienne hesitated. She had known Rose for quiet some time. She had been with Margaery and Renly since they had been married but Brienne never had the real chance to become friends with Rose, or Margaery for that matter, because she only wanted a spot on Renly's King's Guard. But who knows how long they will be wandering the wilderness and Brienne had already established she was alright with the two calling her Brienne. 

"Brienne. You can call me Brienne, Lady Tyrell. You calling me that makes me sound like my grandmother." 

"Please, just Rose." 

Brienne nodded and didn't bother to talk anymore. She just continued to row away but kept her eye on Rose. She could tell that Rose was weary, tired, drained from the journey already. Brienne didn't think it unusual, Rose was a highborn Lady from one of the wealthiest families. Of course she would be tired from weeks worth of walking and sleeping on the cold, stiff ground. Brienne watched as Rose sighed and got more comfortable on the wooden bench that she had sat on for days. Jaime was slumped over, his head resting on the side of the boat, next to Rose, not leaving much room between them or space for Rose to lay down to rest. She had a lot of time to think about the task Lady Catelyn had handed her, but she would hate to admit that she was interested in the dynamic between the Kingslayer and Rose too. Every now and again she would catch either of the two watching the other when they thought no one was watching. They addressed each other by their first names, not Lady or Ser as they were suppose to. They kept a close eye on each other, even if they don't realize it.

Jaime stirred a bit, but didn't wake. Rose looked over to the chained man, but could barely see him as he was covered in dirt and heavy cloth. Rose was startled a bit when Brienne started talking softly to her. 

"Do you love him?" Rose looked at Brienne almost immediately after she asked it but Brienne wasn't giving Rose a cocky smile or giving off a jokester attitude some people liked to give when they would ask her about Jaime. 

"Excuse me?" 

"I see the way you look at him. You care for the Kingslayer."

"His name is Jaime." 

"Jaime. You care for him." Rose kept her stare on Brienne. Steady, unwavering and fully open with the lady knight but Brienne wasn't stupid and could figure it out by herself. 

"I think you already know the answer to your question." Brienne then glanced down at Jaime. He was sound asleep, barely moving, barely recognizing that there was a conversation going on around him. The gossip she was aching to talk about was not in Brienne's nature, she couldn't let her mind peak her curiosity, otherwise she'd look like a joke. Brienne hated to admit she liked knowing inside information, especially about people she spends time with or has grown to know. She could say Rose was as close to a friend as she could have, though she doesn't know anything about her other than that she and Jaime once had a relationship and what it did to the Lannister's and Tyrell's. 

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