A Simple Text

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A/N: I fell in love with this plot. The way it was written? Haven't decided yet. XD I might rewrite it later. But the pictures are to the right. You guys think they are as beautiful as me? XD Anyways, enjoy dearies! Oh, and the Hunters of Artemis swear off boys for life in return for being practically immortal. ;)

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McGarrett sleeping was almost enticing to me. The way his breaths were perfectly even and tickled my skin ever so slightly, how he smiled boyishly (when having anything but a nightmare), and how he held me tightly no matter what . . . It was almost heaven. I smiled softly. I rarely awoke before he did; seeing him like this was rather refreshing. The start to a hopefully good day.

All of those were nice reasons, of course, but the best part was the fact I could watch him openly and not get caught. My eyes always wandered to his tattooed bicep first, studying the details in the ink. It was one of the few things that reminded me of his past, to be honest. A reminder I could go without, yes, but a reminder nonetheless.

My eyes traveled to his face. He had a gentle smile today, so I assumed he was having a pretty good dream. His eyes weren’t squeezed shut, meaning he wasn’t about to wake any time soon. For once, he’d sleep in on a Saturday. Good for him.

A phone vibrated by my head. I jumped and blinked in surprise for a few seconds before grabbing it, knowing it was only a text by the short motions. Catherine Rollin’s name blinked onto the screen as soon as I pressed the unlock button. My eyes flicked to McGarrett, then back to the phone. What was she doing texting him? The last time they saw each other, she swore never to speak to him again. Does this mean she was ready to apologize? Or maybe she had previously . . .

Even though I knew it probably wasn’t the best idea, I found myself clutching it tighter, finger about to enter the passcode. Could I really invade McGarrett’s privacy and business? I knew in my heart McGarrett would never sway, but my flaw and subconscious disagreed. The torturing ideas ran laps around my mind.

The next thing I knew, my finger tapped the screen in the sequence of familiar numbers. I tapped the messaging app. Catherine’s name and past messages popped up immediately, and I almost backed away. Until my eyes caught the first two words. My heart turned to ice as I read the rest of the simple message. Hey, Sailor. I thought since I’m docked at Pearl, we could grab some dinner?

The phone almost slipped out of my hands as I trembled with shock. Was this her wanting to talk and apologize? But another flurry of thoughts took my mind. What if they had been meeting whenever she was home? Maybe McGarrett slipped out and met with her, telling her how much he loved her . . . I glanced at his innocent sleeping face. He lied to me. He was playing with me. My emotions. Everything. By now tears were streaming down my face, and they didn’t show any sign of stopping soon.

I slipped out of the bed quickly, hoping and praying that McGarrett wouldn’t wake up to find me gone any time soon. Danny? I sobbed, throwing on a t-shirt and shorts.

To my relief, he was awake. Hey, what’s wrong?

I need a place to stay. I managed to think coherently, packing enough clothes to get by until I could sneak in and grab the rest. Please don’t ask why. And don’t you dare tell McGarrett where I am when he wakes up and finds me gone.

Alright, alright. Even his mental voice showed his worry. Do you need me to pick you up?

At this point, the tears had turned into silent sobs. I slipped on my shoes, throwing my drawstring over my shoulder. Too loud. I’ll be there in a few minutes.

He answered warily just as I slipped out the door. Okay. Then I expect an explanation.

Agreed. I blocked out his curious mind from mine, hurrying to his house. The sobs didn’t stop, only growing in intensity to where I couldn’t keep them quiet anymore. Finally after what felt like ages, Danny’s house came into view. My brother must have been watching from the window, because he opened the door and ushered me in as soon as he saw my shuddering form.

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