Movies on the Couch

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A/N: Here's another one! This one would take place after the last one, after they kissed. Oh, and I found the PERFECT Phoenix. Indiana Evans when she's younger. I think she's in H2O or something, but I wouldn't know. Anyways, THAT'S what Phoenix Williams looks like! That's basically all you need to know! As you can see, the story says complete, which it is, but I'll add a few more every once in a while just to change it up ;). So here you go. The next (fairly short) chapter!

* * *

I slipped on my pajamas, my lips still tingling. I was in complete shock, to be truthful. He loved me. He loved me. I could hardly wrap my head around it as I combed through my wet hair and put it back in a braid.

When I was almost done, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I almost didn’t recognize myself. My eyes that used to be so guarded (keeping the fact you’re in love with a guy a secret, one that’s constantly around, isn’t easy) now were open and bluer than ever. I was smiling, my cheeks flushed. A whole new person, I realized. And I liked her a lot.

Being as silent as possible, I slipped back downstairs. McGarrett gave me a small smile as I curled up on the couch, coming over to sit next to me.


“Hey.” He replied. “So that’s a yes on the movie?”

I resisted the urge to smirk at his slight shyness. It was cute, really. He wanted to make sure I was completely comfortable with everything he did. “Yeah,” I replied, “what are we watching?”

He shrugged. “Whatever. You choose.”

I picked up the remote and flicked the DVR. I finally found a good action movie a few minutes later. McGarrett chuckled.


I gave him a half-hearted glare. “You would’ve chose the exact same movie. We both know it.”

“Actually, that other one looked pretty good.”

“Liar. That was a chick flick.”

“Yeah, and I really thought it looked-” he was cut off as my lips pressed against his. All of the awkwardness of the last few minutes evaporated. I broke away slowly a minute later.

“Don’t lie, McGarrett.”

He grinned, and, to my surprise, brought me close to him. “Point taken.”

I chuckled and laid my head on his chest. We watched in silence for a while, although, I don’t think either of us were actually paying attention. The only thing that my ADHD mind could focus on was his steady heartbeat. It was calming. Relaxing.

It was about halfway through when McGarrett spoke again, although, by then, I was almost asleep. “Phoenix?” he whispered.

“Hmm?” I muttered, half awake, half asleep.

“You should know something.”

I still didn’t open my eyes, but muttered a mangled, “What?”

“I think I’m falling hopelessly in love with you.”

My insides went fuzzy as my eyes snapped open, fully awake now. A small smile graced my lips. “You know what? I think I am too.”

His goofy grin melted my heart. “Looks like you’re going to be stuck with me for a while.”

I shrugged. “I could’ve picked worse.”

McGarrett gently kissed me, and I knew that kiss marked his promise to do just that. Fall hopelessly in love with me and never stop.

We both fell asleep to gunshots blaring from the TV less than an hour later at midnight, each dreaming peacefully.

* * *

McGarrett’s POV

When I woke up, my back was stiff. I glared at the clock. 3AM. Deciding that we should get some sleep in our own beds, (after remembering the details of the hours before, that is) I almost shook Phoenix awake. But one glance at her sleeping face and I knew I couldn’t do it. Not when she was looking so innocent like that.

It was a simple decision that followed. Lifting her light body in my arms, I headed upstairs to our rooms, being careful not to jostle her awake. When I reached her door and pushed it open, I felt a sadness overtake me. I didn’t want her to leave me. Not ever again, not even for a second.

Of course, my rational side argued back. That line was still there, although much smaller than before our fight. As much as I hated it, I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, make her feel uncomfortable in any way. I started prying her fingers off of my shirt, but she just frowned in her sleep and held tighter. I pulled more, and she made a face. “No, my SEAL.” She murmured sleepily.

I couldn’t stop myself. Laughter bubbled out of me. She must’ve been dreaming about me. It was adorable.

My chuckles woke her; yet, she was not completely conscious yet, just half dreaming, half not.

I took this as a chance to get her to let me go. “Phoenix, you have to let go and get to bed.”

“Nuh uh.” She cuddled closer, to my surprise. “I’m staying with you. I’m not sleeping in that bed ever again. I’m sleeping in yours.”

My heart just about exploded with love for her. That was when I realized that Phoenix Williams was my one and only. The love of my life. My soul mate. This was complete proof of it. She wasn’t even awake, and she wanted to stay with me. If she had been, she wouldn’t have been that frank. But she still would’ve wanted to stay.

I was grinning as I went into my – no, our – bedroom. After pulling up the covers and gently laying her down, I climbed in and held her once again. I kissed her forehead before drifting off once again.

Phoenix Williams loved me, and I loved her. Nobody could stop us. This was how our future was going to be. And I liked it a lot.

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