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A/N: This one is more of just Phoenix thinking back and about McGarrett and just her life in general. This is before they get together, somewhere season two. This one is a bit angsty (admit it, a few of you guys just grinned), and yet sweet at the same time. At least, I think so. Anyways, here ya'll go! 

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The sky was a pretty blue, I thought. It was smooth with fluffy white clouds lazily floating away. I sighed as the wind picked up my hair a slightly. In a way, being a cloud would be nice. I mean, just floating from one place to another, to see the sights, to breathe the different air, some musty, some cleaner than you'd think possible. When you get mad, thunder. Sad, just sob tears of rain.  

Laughs bubbled up as I swung a little higher. I was too young to think like that. Yet, that's all that I've been capable of doing lately. Intense, deep words just piling together in my thoughts. I swung a bit higher. A normal fifteen-year-old should be giddy, gossipy, happy, and just be, well, a teenager. Then again, I'm not that normal. Not at all.  

I took inventory. For one, I was practically a cop. Badge, gun, and vest; the whole nine yards, minus an actual certificate. Dead bodies no longer affected me as they used to, shooting my weapon wasn't frightening.  

Point two: I'm a demigod. Daughter of the sky and stormy weather, savior of Olympus. I smiled dully, remembering my life before I knew. A dirty slave girl who was taught to not be curious, and to mind her own business. Abused, helpless, and scared. A girl whose only wish was for freedom. Now, I was fighting the dirt of humanity, fighting people who were as sick as the person who bought me. I was a hero. I was not nameless, but Phoenix Daniel Williams.  

Finally, I was in love with a Steven J. McGarrett.  

My swings slowed as I stopped pumping. Steve McGarrett. My boss (I guess you could say that, anyways), head of Five-0, ex-Navy SEAL, and son of Poseidon. And my twin brother's best friend. And the person I lived with. Soap opera material, if you asked me.  

It started out as an appreciation. He was athletic, yet not obsessed with it completely. He was pretty nice looking (understatement, I know), with messy brown hair and ocean blue eyes that came to life when he was around his Ohana, his family. I liked that he treated each member of his team like a sibling, including me after he realized the Governor wasn't going to give in. Most of all, I liked his dedication to the job as long as a bad guy was put away. 

As the months went by, so did the walls around my heart. After everything was revealed about the two guys' heritage, they went faster and faster. It started out innocent enough. Wanting to be with my brother and him over Kono and Chin when it came to cases. Watching movies with him before bed at night when we could. Then I found myself sharing things with the SEAL I wouldn't even tell my closest friends, and smiling when he was smiling, and laughing when he was laughing, and feeling completely and utterly jealous when Catherine came around. 

Then the kiss. I felt my lips absently just thinking about it. Unplanned and in the moment, that's all it was supposed to be. Yet I couldn't stop thinking of the way his lips felt on mine. A mistake. That felt so right. Even so, the next morning I made sure to point out to him I couldn't remember much the night before because I was so tired. A lie, of course. But it needed to happen.

The wind shifted around me once again, bringing in the salty scent of the ocean. The little park was empty, leaving me to my thoughts. This was where I always came when I needed a break and to just breathe. It wasn't much; I was occupying one of the two swings, a metal slide glinted in the sunlight, and a merry-go-round was stopped next to it. It was filled with sand, although the island already had enough of it in my opinion. Yet I loved it. Better yet, it was a few blocks from McGarrett's place, so a quick jog or walk and I'd be here.  

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