Chapter 3

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*Louis POV*

"Im taking you out tonight." Harry mumbled from under his pillows. I opened one of my eyes and looked up at the ceiling, feeling a little dazed.

"Where?" I asked, finally opening two eyes.

"It's a surprise." He said in almost a whisper, facing back to the pillow, slowly followed by a sweet snore, which sounded rather like a buzzing from a bumble bee.

I always adored him when he was asleep, of course awake too, but he just seemed so peaceful when he was sleeping. So perfect and dreamy.

Once I was awake, I knew I wasn't going to drop off again. I just laid there and thought about how strange life would be if he wasn't in mine.

I also wondered what I was going to wear, and which occasion was this going to be.

I sprung up in bed, leaning down to pick up my jeans off the floor before sliding them on, them doing the same with a shirt and a hoodie.

I stood in the mirror and combed my hair to the side, parting it and using some hair spray to keep it in tact.

''Babe, where are you going?'' Harry stretched, wiping sleep away from his squinted eyes.

''Town, to get something nice to wear for later.'' I told him, finishing off placing bits of unwanted hair in places where it wouldn't be too noticeable.

''Ok...Hold on, i'll be up now, i'm coming with you.'' He said, crawling out of bed and repeating the same process as me. I sat on the side of the dresser and watch him until he had finished doing his hair, stumbling about all over the place as he violently shook his head, spraying hairspray as he did so.

''Ready?'' I asked him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his hands on my bum.

''Not until I have a kiss.'' I plead, standing on my tip-toes to reach his height. We both lean in slowly, looking into each others eyes. We finally reached each others lips and started to kiss, slowly and passionately as usual.

''Now...are... you... ready?'' He asked inbetween sloppy kisses he was placing all over my face.

''S-stop you're making me wet.'' I said, making him burst into a fit of laughter.

''C'mon then.'' I tugged at his arm, ignoring his little childish moments, he is still only a teenager, after all.

''You've got to admit though, it was funny.'' He protested, still giggling slightly.

''Yeah, it was hilarious Hazza, you happy now?'' I admitted sarcastically, roaming down the stairs with Harry holding my hand, following behind me.

I was picking up my wallet and shoving it into my pocket when I felt a pairs of eyes glaring at me - Harry.

''Hmm?'' I mumbled, gesturing for him to tell me what he's staring at me for.

''You're adorable.'' He said, out of nowhere.

''What's that all about...?'' I asked, my eyes widend at his sudden statement.

''You're cute, and you're mine.'' He laughed at himself.

''Strange child.'' I whispered, nudging him in the ribs. He squealed and cackled in my ear loudly as we slowly began to exit our apartment.

We walked down to the driveway and unlocked our car, climbing in with me driving.

"So is this a fancy occasion or...?" I asked Harry.

"Fancy, you'll need a suit to say the least." He told me. Ooh, posh. I smiled to myself as I continued to drive us down to the town.

''Oooah! A suit eh? Will you be wearing one to?'' I asked, biting my lip, thinking how great he looks when hes in a suit, so smart.

''You'll have to wait and see.'' He said to me, winking.

We got to the town and parked into a free space. I unclicked my seatbelt and opened the car door.

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