Chapter 6 - A New Beginning

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Louis woke up, wondering where he was. He was feeling extremely tired and annoyed at the fact that an intense beeping noise woke him up. He opened one eye, and then the other, to see the machine that was beeping was a - heart monitor? He gasped as he realised he was inside a hospital. Turning his head slightly to the left, he saw the figure of a man. Louis sat up ever so suddenly and wiped his eyes, the boy had curly hair and was staring at Louis, shocked that he had awoken.

''Louis! Oh my god BooBear you're awake!!!'' The boy seemed thrilled, although Louis wondered who the hell he was, why he was sat next to him and how on earth did he know his name. The boy leaned down to try and hug Louis.

''Who are you?! And how do you know my name?!'' Louis screamed, almost falling out of the bed, where he was trying to back away from the mysterious curly haired man.

''W-what do you mean 'who am I'?'' The brunette asked, his eyes welling up with tears.

''G-get out!! Get out! Go!'' Louis shrieked at him, startling the boy. The boy jumped and tears started to stream down his pink puffy face.

''Louis! Please don't be like th-'' 

''GET AWAY FROM ME!'' Louis yelled unaware fully at the pleading boy, for one more time before the boy ran out of the room, sobbing uncontrollably and almost screaming in terror.

Just as Louis was about to climb out of the uncomfortably cold bed, his mother burst into the room, running up to Louis and hugging him tightly.

''Mum! Oh my god! Who the fuck was that dude who knows my name?! I'm freaking out so much!'' Louis asked, almost hyperventilating. His mother gasped as tears were already formed in her eyes, some down her cheeks.

''Y-you mean Harry?'' She asked, confused at why he couldn't recall who his very own boyfriend was.

''I don't know what his name is! He was just there and- why am I in hospital?'' He started, as the fact he was in hospital for some unknown reason hit him.

''Honey? Are you feeling okay?'' His mother asked feeling extremly concerned. She pressed the button to call for a nurse and seconds later 2 nurses seemed to rush in.

''What's going on? Mum please tell me.'' He begged, staring at the nurses who were closing in on him. They began to take temperatures and make notes of his heart rate.

''Louis, you were in a horrific car accident, and by the looks of things, you can't really remember or recall what's gone on?'' One of the nurses began to say to him.

''C-car accident? When?! What happened?! How was I in one? Who was I with?'' He questioned, his breathing becoming heavy and he began to feel lightheaded. The room started to spin and in the distance he could hear his heart moniter speeding up.

''Louis! Louis breathe with me!'' A nurse shouted, instructing him to breathe in and out, he did as he was told and shortly came back around with long deep breaths.

''You must stay calm Louis, thinking of too much right now can be vital, i'm sure your band mates and your family will be fine to help answer some of your questions?'' The other nurse hinted, Louis' mum nodding in reply, and with that, the nurses strolled out of the room, calling what it sounded like, Louis' band mates?

3 boys strolled in, all seemed happy to see Louis, and then there was, him. Harry wasn't it? 

''You alright mate?'' One with blonde hair asked him. Louis became freaked out, once again and asked his mum for back up.

''Louis - it's okay, they're your band mates...'' His mother whispered, pointing to each one of the boys individually.

''I believe we met earlier on?'' Louis said, looking directly at Harry. Louis was motionless, so was Harry. Louis was still trying to fully focus on the boy who apparently knew him.

''Y-yes.'' Is all Harry managed to squeeze out of his numb lips. Louis just looked away, sighing heavily.

Even talking to Louis was already the hardest task ever. Harry just couldn't believe that all of those memories that Louis and Harry shared - Larry Stylinson, had been forgotten. How could that even happen to them? It devastated Harry to think that they wanted to keep it away from him - they didn't want Louis to find out they were together, just in case he would have another freak out session. Plus, Harry wanted to know if Louis still loved him, which in this case, was highly doubtful.

''So um, who are you?'' Louis asked all 4 of the boys, aiming it mostly at the 3 who he's never seemed to have met before.

The boys looked at each other in unison and tried choking back their tears, but every single one of them failed. It seemed they all sobbed at the same time, burrying their heads in each others necks and into their palms.

''I um, I'm L-Liam, Niall, Zayn and H-harry.'' Liam introduced them. It felt unbelieveably weird and none of them thought this was reality, it felt like a dream, well a nightmare.

''Uh hi, boys...'' Louis said awkwardly, waving to them from just opposite of them.

They all glared, few of them saying hi's or hello's back, but their voices sounding hoarse and dry. Harry, Harry just stared. He didn't cry, he didn't move. He just stared at that person that had no idea of who he was. The person which Harry was in love with, always has been, always will until the day he dies.

 ''I uhh, heard you were in a band with - me?'' Louis questioned, trying to get to know those strangers sat at the foot of his hospital bed.

''Uh yeah, we're One Direction.'' Zayn told the very curious yet shaken up boy.

''Oh, right...It's just, I uh, don't remember.'' Louis apologised, trying to think back on memories he has lost.

So that's how Louis' new life begun. Everday seemed to be the same, trying to get to know these mysterious boys.

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