Chapter 1

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*Harrys POV*

"Need help with that?" I asked Louis, laughing at him as he struggled to walk through the kitchen door with at least 4 bags of shopping looped around both of his little arms. His face had gone a light shade of red so I assumed that he did need help.

I stood up from the stool I was perched on and trailed over to him, grabbing four bags, holding two in each hand. 

"See, this is why I love you." Louis blurted out. I felt my cheeks go a little pink at his compliment. I weakly smiled at him as I placed the bags onto the counter, Louis doing the same.

He slowly trailed over to me and wrapped his arms loosely around my neck, ruffling with my curls.

"Get off me!" I teased, pushing him away from me. Now was the perfect chance to run for it, just another excuse to annoy him, I love annoying him.

"Hey!" He screamed as I bolted out of the kitchen and heading straight for the front door. I struggled to open the lock on the front door but as soon as I did, I raced out of the house and started running for my life down the street.

''Harreh!'' I heard Louis helplessly cry behind me. I felt bad for him as I could see he wasn't going to make the effort of running after me. I sighed and slowly started to walk back up to the house. All of that exercise for nothing. Louis was stood underneath the door frame with a look of disapproval on his face.

"Tsk tsk." He folded his arms and shook his head at me. I slumped up the garden steps and became face to face with him.

"You're so boring!" I yawned, poking his cheek. 

"Yeah yeah." He mocked, pinching my cheeks like I was a baby.

"By the way, Jade is coming over in a bit." He told me, I crossed my arms and raised both of my eyebrows. 

"Is she now?" I asked, treating as if he was a child. 

"Yep!" He replied, popping on the 'p' and walking back into the house. I gave up and started following him into the lounge as I knew I wasn't going to win anything with him. 

"What if I wanted to so something special with you?" I whimpered. 

"Well then we can do it tomorrow!" He suggested, slumping onto the sofa. 

"No don't sit down, we have to put the shopping away!" I moaned, holding him by his arms and trying to force him off the sofa.

"You can go and put the shopping away and Ill stay here and guide the tv." He protested, putting on a cheeky grin, not moving an inch from where he was sat. 

"Fine then!" I shouted, walking into the kitchen. 

I let out a sigh and looked at the bags filled with food shopping and got to work, shoving crisps in cupboards and chocolate in the fridge and other things in other places.

It was a good 10 minutes until I finished unpacking all of the supplies that Louis had bought.

"FOOD!" Niall screamed from behind me, making me jump and startling me. 

"Jesus Christ Niall! You scared me to death." I told him as he rummaged through the newly filled cupboards.

"Cool story bro." He said with a hint of sarcasm as he picked out a packet of beef crisps and began to munch on them. 

"I wanted those ones!" I sulked, barging into him which made him drop the crisps on the counter.

"Now it's personal." He growled, narrowing his eyes brows at me and lowering his head, keeping eye contact with me. 

"Oh it so is." I replied with a snap, using some of Louis' sass.

"You're not the sass master, I am." Louis interrupted by walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I poked back, sticking my tongue out. 

Louis crinkled his nose up and flipped his hair, strutting off back into the living room.

I followed him there and turned on the music channel. Immediately, Ellie Goulding 'How long will I love You' started to play. 

"How long will I love you?" I questioned in a sing song voice. 

"As long as the stars above you!" Louis replied, walking up to me and looking at me in the eyes. He made my heart melt, just the way he looked at me.

''I love you.''  I whispered, staring down at him, glancing at his perfect face and features. My BooBear was amazing, and I wouldn't change him, us or our relationship for the world. It's perfect, and I wish I could pause time to keep it like this forever.

''Not as much as I love you.'' He giggled, standing on his tip toes ever so slightly just enough to press his lips against mine, iluminating the room. Our kiss turned out to be a long, passionate motions of lips moving against each other, giving the most electrifying and amazing feeling ever.


 A/N :


Not a huge amount of build up in this chapter, but eh, it's a start. 

I hope you're enjoying it so far, it will get better and more detailed as it goes along.

Thanks for reading.

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