Chapter Twenty-Three

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One week went by before Mr. Ridley called a mandatory company-wide meeting. Hwan, Sarah, and all the other managers sat at the large meeting room table while everyone else stood against the mahogany panelled walls. The sun was bright that day, its rays shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the exterior wall, which blinded Alissa when she first stepped into the room.

She decided to stand behind Hwan and Sarah who were sitting next to each other near the back of the room. Perry trailed behind her and stood in between her and the three men on Sarah's team. At least he's good for something, Alissa thought.

Mr. Ridley walked in and sat at the head of the table at the front of the room. Liberty stood behind him with a smile. Alissa made eye contact with her, hoping she'd give her a hint as to what was happening, but Liberty just kept on smiling as everyone anticipated the reason for why Mr. Ridley called this meeting.

"As I'm sure you're all aware," Mr. Ridley paused to look over the room, "Mr. Walker is no longer with the firm. After much consideration, I have hired someone I know will be of great value to the firm. He has already accomplished so much for his age and I know that success will follow him to the firm. I'd like for you all to meet Mr. Noah Wilmington."

Mr. Ridley looked towards the meeting room door where a man was waiting, standing in the doorframe. People stepped out of the way as he strolled to the front of the room next to Mr. Ridley.

Alissa couldn't see his face as his back was turned to her, but he had thick ash brown hair and wore a dark blue tight suit that framed his tall, athletic form well. When he turned around, Alissa gasped. His thick, dark eyebrows brooded over his honey brown eyes. He did not smile as he looked over every person in the room. He couldn't be more than thirty, Alissa thought.

When he made eye contact with Alissa, the corner of his lip slightly turned up, but then dropped as he moved on to Perry. Alissa held back the urge to squirm where she stood. Why did he look at her that way, she thought. She started to feel a bit nauseous so early in the morning.

"It's a pleasure to join Elixir and meet you all," Mr. Wilmington said in a smooth, tenor pitch.

He turned towards Liberty who pressed a button on the remote she was holding and a projector screen started to unravel down from the ceiling behind them. The projector hanging over the center of the meeting table turned on and a bright blue presentation slide appeared on the screen. On the screen was a logo with the name 'Stoned Tech.'

"With the rise of recreational cannabis comes Stoned Tech, there for all your customer relations needs. This is a start-up with great potential to take off. We," Mr. Wilmington gestured to the whole room, "can help them get there. I need an innovative team to strategize a campaign that will grab the attention of Stoned Tech's most critical stakeholders. I'd like each team to come up with a proposal by the end of the day. The one I like the best will work with me personally on this project."

"You heard him," Mr. Ridley said. "Dismissed."

The room started filling out as Mr. Ridley and Mr. Wilmington murmured to each other. Liberty turned the projector off and, with the click of the remote, the screen rose back up into the ceiling.

Hwan turned around in his swivel black leather chair. "Well," he said rubbing his hands together, "let's get to work."

Perry had already headed towards the exit, so Alissa followed with Hwan.

When they made it back to their team cubicle, Perry sighed, "What are we going to do? I know nothing of the cannabis industry."

"Not to worry," Hwan grinned, "I know plenty."

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