Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Get out of my building! The both of you!" Alissa heard the CEO, Mr. Ridley, screaming from the doorway of Gerald's office.

Alissa's wide eyes made contact with Hwan, who had his hand covering his mouth.

Alissa could hear some murmurs, and Mr. Ridley screamed, "You are through, Gerald. Done! Leave, now."

Sarah scurried over to Alissa's desk.

"They got caught!" she chuckled.

"Wow," Alissa breathed.

Why did Sarah think this was so funny?

"What's going on?" Perry leaned over and whispered to them.

His breath smelled of raw onions from lunch, which made Alissa's nose scrunch up.

"Gerald and Samantha were fooling around," Sarah answered.

"What do you mean 'fooling around?'" He looked at them both with furrowed eyebrows.

"And this is where I leave you." Sarah patted Alissa's shoulder, then headed back to her cubicle.

"They were having an affair," Alissa whispered.

Perry's eyes widened and his mouth popped open. He looked like a damn fool, waiting to catch flies. Alissa held back a gag from his horrid onion breath.

The door to Mr. Ridley's office slammed shut.

The silent office suddenly began to mutter. Alissa wondered if they knew what was happening or if they were just as clueless as Perry had been.

Samantha walked passed them first towards the exit. Everyone stared. She kept her head high and swayed her hips as she walked in a tight blue dress and nude heels holding only her bag by her side. She kept an expressionless face, but Alissa could see her jaw was clenched.

Gerald scurried out of his office next and passed by all of the cubicles. No one said a word. He kept his head down the whole time, holding his folded coat and Samantha's over his arm. Once they both entered the elevator and the doors dinged shut, the office began to grow louder as gossip spread.

"This is ridiculous," Hwan said to her.

She just nodded.

"I feel bad they're out of a job, though. Gerald's marriage was obviously failing," she trailed off.

Hwan only grunted in response.

Perry gasped like the clueless fool he was.


"It turns out they were having sex against the wall Gerald's office shared with Mr. Ridley," Liberty exclaimed.

Sarah chuckled as Alissa gaped. Hwan and Grace didn't pay much attention, mumbling to each other about something in the corner of their lunch table.

"He's already had me schedule three people for interviews this week." Liberty leaned in closer to them. "I think he might have suspected something was up with Gerald and Samantha, but didn't have the proof until yesterday. Why else would he have had applications sitting in a drawer just waiting to be called in?" she whispered.

Sarah's eyebrows rose as she took a sip of her water.

"That's crazy," Alissa said.

Liberty nodded as she took a bite of her sandwich. "I wonder if they'll continue what they have?" Liberty said with a mouth full of food.

Alissa shrugged her shoulders.

"I doubt it. Why would you want to spend more time with the one who made your marriage fall apart and made you lose your job?" Sarah said in a flat tone.

"Maybe his marriage was falling apart before Samantha came into the picture," Alissa speculated.

Sarah flicked her hand. "Who cares? I've had enough of office drama."

"Well, what about Mike?" Liberty asked innocently.

"Mike?" Alissa questioned, looking into Sarah's blue eyes. "You mean the one who has hair you want to so badly run your fingers through?"

Sarah shushed them. "Liberty, do not say another word." She looked to the corner of the room where her team of three men were sitting and chatting away.

Alissa chuckled then also looked at the table of men.

There was a buff guy with bleached blonde hair and dark square frames around his blue eyes. His arms looked a bit too tight in his button-up. He was downing a protein shake. She hoped that he wasn't Mike.

Next to him was a fit guy with dark ringlets framing his tan skin and green eyes. His teeth were perfectly white when he smiled, but then he let out the largest belch. Alissa's nose scrunched up.

The last guy at the table had pale skin and thick dark hair. He had a very angular jaw and bright hazel eyes. His shoulders were broad and he looked tall even though he was sitting. Alissa hoped this one was Mike. Though, he looked very serious sitting next to two guys who were probably laughing at the second guy's belch.

The third guy turned his head and made direct eye contact with her. She gaped and turned away quickly. Her heart raced and her face heated up.

I think I'll stay away from Sarah's team, Alissa thought.


A/N: Thank you so much for getting this far! Now that Gerald is out of the way, you know what that means... ;) Please remember to vote and tell me your thoughts! It means so much to me!

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