Chapter Ten

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Alissa stumbled backward into the exposed brick wall.

"Are you okay?"

Her eyes met those of Trevor's. From the dim lighting of the hallway and being this close-up, Trevor appeared so much taller and so much sexier. She swallowed her saliva and nodded, looking back down at the concrete floor. She felt her lower regions getting moist and squeezed her legs together underneath her chiffon gown.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to be on the other side of the door."

"Well, the men's door is right next to it, so..." he trailed off.

She nodded again at the floor, "Right."

"You know, you're very beautiful. Sarah hasn't really spoken about you to me," Trevor said.

She flustered, "Oh."

The butterflies in her stomach were a riot. They could not be trampled no matter how hard she squeezed her legs together. She slowly lifted her gaze to reach his.

"I should have you flustered more often." He smiled, and little dimples formed in the corners of his mouth.

She blurted out, "You have dimples?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, and that's not the only place I have them."

Alissa's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't help but grin as her mind wandered before stopping on Sarah.

"I thought you and Sarah were a thing," she stated bluntly.

He shook his head, "Nah, we're just good friends."


She took a step closer to him in the narrow hallway.

He grinned and leaned down until their chests were touching and his hot breath was in contact with her cheek.

She gazed into his chocolate brown eyes, testing him. She ran her right hand up his arm and the other flat up his chest, feeling his fit abs and pecs through the thin cotton fabric of his button-up.

She bit her lip before inching them closer to him. She was going to allow him to decide.

The rise of his breathing under his chest quickened, and with her hand on his heart, she felt his heart rate accelerate like a motorcar climbing up a hill. She looked at his plush lips, so soft and smooth.

He looked into her matching brown eyes and took the plunge. His teasing lips met her own with an unexpected force.

She moved her hand on his arm up to cup the back of his neck to deepen their kiss and her other hand to around his back. He swirled his tongue with hers and leaned his full body up against hers until her back hit the wall.

One of his hands went to grip the back of her head while the other wrapped around her slim waist. She moaned a bit as their kiss deepened and her panties grew wet.

She wanted to feel him all over. She wanted him to feel her all over. Her legs quivered in her high-heeled shoes. Trevor nudged his groin into hers and she felt his bulge. She groaned again.

He released his lips from her grasp and moved down the side of her neck. She looked up towards the ceiling and noticed the rustic dark wood and black iron chandelier. It's lighting masked the slap wood walls in a yellowish hue.

Trevor's left hand cupped her right breast and softly began massaging it. She hiccuped as he squeezed her ass with his right hand and continued to suck her neck. She might have heard him chuckle. She arched her back, leaning her body more into his and held the back of his head with her right hand.

He stopped massaging her breast and began to pinch the nipple between the fabric of her gown and bra. She clamped her mouth down onto his shoulder to muffle her groans.

He ground his bulge into her belly again as he softly moaned. With their breathing quick and almost out of breath, they dived back into a kiss.

She ran her fingers up and down through his short, coiled hair as his left hand continued to play with her right nipple. His right hand slowly trickled down to her thighs and began massaging those, too.

She felt her clit pulse and moaned into the kiss before hiccuping, again. She subconsciously jerked her groin into his and began grinding. Just as his fingers were right near her clit through the gown, footsteps echoed off the hallway near the dining room entrance.


A/N: Whoa! Was that steamy? Please let me know your thoughts! Should I add more details? More internal dialogue? More mentions of setting? Or is it fine the way it is?

Please remember vote. I would really appreciate it. xo  

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