The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 31)

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They say that how quickly a person takes back their phone after you get a hold of it is directly proportionate to how much is hidden on it.

Halden snatched his phone away pretty quickly.

Needless to say, he had not been happy about me snooping through his texts. I could tell, because on the walk back to the school, we'd trudged along in silence with only the occasional comment on something dumb, like the paint job on a passing car, to break the tension.

“I had fun today. You're awfully cute for someone who's so sneaky.” he said when we got back to the school, crossing his arms over his t-shirt clad chest as he leaned casually against my locker.

“Yeah, well. We all have our gifts.” I mumbled, peeling off my gloves. He smiled, and ruffled my hair with his hand. Usually, I hated people touching me. Even someone brushing my shoulder in the hall made me want to start throwing punches. But with Halden, every time he touched me was enough to make my stomach flop. It wasn't so much butterflies in there, as it was a herd of stampeding rhinos.

“Wanna walk to Bio with me? I mean I know you normally walk with that other guy,” he started, and I rolled my eyes at the way he didn't refer to Tristan by name, “but rumour has it you two aren't on the best terms, so I figure he wouldn't mind too much if we went together.”

I was in quite the predicament, considering I'd completely forgotten that Tristan and I had Bio together next period. This left me two choices:

A) I could spend a little bit of quality time with Halden, but that would mean ignoring what Dallas had said about avoiding Tristan until he could diffuse the situation. The fact that I sat beside Tristan in that class also meant that there was roughly a 99.999% chance that he would confront me about kissing his older brother. Which would not be fun. At all.

B) I could bail on Halden, and just skip out of Bio all together. This also meant less time with Halden, though, which I was not entirely thrilled about, but at this point, I think anything would beat having to participate in the insanely awkward conversation that was bound to happen if I got within a 10 foot radius of Tristan.

So, I did what I always do whenever I'm presented with two options that both suck. I chose option C, which basically just consisted of calling Dallas and getting him to bail me out.

“Id love to, but I think I'm going to have to bail on Bio. I don't feel too well.” I lied, and his face dropped. I immediately felt like a horrible person.

“Oh, okay. Maybe some other time?” he asked hopefully, and I nodded, too occupied by what I was going to say to Tristan when the time came to actually pay attention to anything Halden was saying. For all I knew, I couldve just agreed to get all of my fingers broken one at a time.

“Great! Seeya tomorrow then, and feel better!” he called over his shoulder as he started off down the hallway towards the science lab. He made it a few feet before he stopped, turned around and headed back towards me.

“Actually, there's one more thing.” he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking down at his feet in order to hide the blush that had spread over his cheekbones.

Taking a deep breathe, he stood up to his full height, and in his silky voice said, “Hartley, will you be my girlfriend?”

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