Chapter 7

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"I'm sorry, sir, but you cant eat outside food in the hospital." I heard a voice say, i dont know who, but im guessing its a nurse. My eyes were shut.

"Thats outrageous. Its just carrots!" I hear a crunch. I suspect its Louis.

"SIR." Then the rustle of a bag.

"NO! HARRY She's jacking my carrots!" Louis screams

"Calm down!" Zayn says


"Calm down." Liam says.

"Too late." I said, groggily.

"AW, FUCK! WE WOKE HER UP! YOU WOKE HER UP!" Niall said pointing to Louis angerily.

"NO I DIDNT!" Louis said, getting closer to Niall threatingly.

"Yes. you. did." You could practicly see the anger in Niall's eyes.

"Calm down." Liam said again.

"Chill. We cant do this in a hospital." Zayn said, pushing them apart

"Who says?" They both said at the same time.

"I do." Harry said. I didnt even know he was here.. He was behind me, staring at me. I'll ask him about it later.

"Damnnit, Harry, you scared the shit outta me." I said.

"Sorry." He said flirty.

"Is Okey." I said, putting on a mexican accent. I dunno why.

"Good." Harry said winking at me. Does Harry like me?

"Harry." Liam says staring at him. Warning him. He pointed at Niall who was giving him a death stare. Why is he getting so mad at everything?

"Niall, calm down." I said, soothingly.

His eyes didnt even flicker towards me. "Not, again, Harry." He growled.

Him & Louis stopped fighting & everything went quiet.

Harry's face went white. "I dont know what you're talking about, Niall." Harry said cockily. He put his hand on my sholder.

"Harry, get off me." I said. I must look stupid. Just sitting there. Watching this go down. I didnt know Niall & Harry dont like eachother.

"Why?" He smiled, his hand getting tighter.

"You know what Niall did last time you did this to him." Zayn says.

"I wanna talk to Harry alone, everyone, out!" I pointed to the door.

Everyone left but Niall. He was staring at Harry, his fists balled up. "Why?" He said. He sounded so mean.

"Just do it, Niall." I said.

"NO. Tell me why. Is there something going on inbetween you two?" Niall said.

"NIALL." Liam said, trying to pull him out. He couldnt get him.

"C'mon, buddy." Zayn said.

"She just wants to talk to him." Louis said.

".......Fine." Niall said, jerking his shoulder so Liams hand falls off.

He walked out the door with the other 3.

"You wanted to talk?" Harry said.

"Yeah, whats Niall mean by 'not again'? i said. He walked around the bed & sat on a chair. Where Niall was sitting.

I looked out the window & Niall was watching.

"I suposivly stole a girl from him. Her name was Jenna, He thought he loved her. Like you. She came crawling over to me. She begged me to date her. I didnt want to hurt him, so i said no. She ran to Niall & the boys & said i wanted her. So, she broke up with him. & wouldnt leave me alone. Niall was heartbroken. Me & her were freinds. Everyone was freinds with her in the house. But she came over one day, & she pushed me on the bed. when i tried to get up she pulled me on top of her. She screamed for Niall, & he came running. He saw me on top of her & called me some names i will not say. & stormed out the house, I pushed Jenna off & told her to tell him the truth. She didnt. Instead she ran to all the boys & told them her story. Now everyone thinks im big & bad & want to steal you away." He said, shaking his head.

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