Chapter Six

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The Tattoo – Chapter Six

{Eight Months Later}

Mia's POV

"I AM... SO SICK... of being... preg... nant..." I puffed as I waddled down the stairs. "Oh, don't worry baby, the little cutie is due in a few weeks." Jc said as he kissed my forehead. "Or... a few hours." Connor said as he pointed to the ground, where there was a little puddle underneath me. "Well..." I said as I sat down on the couch. "UHHHHH!!" Jc said as he ran his hands through his hair. "Why are you freaking out?" I asked. "BECAUSE YOU'RE HAVING A BABY!!!" He screamed, causing the rest of the members of the household to emerge from their bedrooms.

I got up from the couch and got a glass of juice. "Why are you so calm?" Kian asked, most likely scarred for life because I had duct taped a towel in between my legs. "I'm not having really bad contractions yet, and they won't admit me until I am." I said, as I sat back on the couch. Of course, it was painful, but it was amusing to see them all freak out due to the fact that I was having a baby and I was the most calm person in the room. "Well, I don't care, you're going to the hospital." Jc said and grabbed his keys, motioning everyone to follow him out the door.

{Six Hours Later}

Jc's POV

"IT'S HAPPENING. WHAT THE HELL." I began freaking out as Mia was told over and over again to push, then breathe, then push harder. "Sir! How many times do we have to tell you to lower your voice?!" The doctor shouted at me. I sat down in a chair, after pacing for a good twenty minutes, and reached for Mia's hand, which was clenched tightly around the barriers on the hospital bed. She released her grip on the barrier and clenched my hand, her knuckles turning white in the process.

Hours passed, this baby was a stubborn one. But, the moment came shortly, where we got to welcome the little life into the world. At 1:51 PM on June 29th, 2017 we welcomed her. I was the first one to hold her, and all I could do was stare at her little face as she cried and cried... and smile. "Does she have a name?" Connor asked, as the nurse was borderline hovering over my shoulder. "Lynn. Lynn Hannah Caylen." I said, handing her over to Mia with pride. "The L." Connor said. "What?" Mia asked with the most puzzled look on her face. "The L." He repeated and pointed to Mia's tattoo. Her face dropped... it was the L. Mia broke down in tears of happiness because the meaning of her tattoo was finally complete.

{Hours Later}

Mia's POV

After Lynn was taken into hospital care and taken to the nursery, I was cleaned up and allowed to go see her there. "Uh..." I said as I saw the baby in the bassinette labeled "Caylen". "Uh, what?" Jc asked as he marveled at our little girl. "Look at her right forearm." I said. Jc's face dropped. "What does that say?" He asked, squinting to try to see. "It says... JMLJRD." I said as I carefully read the letters out loud. "Great..." I said, putting my fingertips to my temples in frustration, as she will have to go on the same journey as me to find out what her tattoo means. "Don't worry, babe... she'll figure it out. If her mom could do it, so can she." He said and kissed my forehead.


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