Chapter One

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The Tattoo – Chapter One

Mia's POV

"It's always just been there." I said, looking at the tattoo on my right forearm. "What do you mean, 'been there'? You didn't go get it?" Kian asked. "Nope, it's been there since I was born. See?" I said as I pulled up a baby photo of me, where you could clearly see I had the same tattoo. "What in the..." Kian began, but couldn't finish his sentence. "Told you." I said.

Suddenly everyone in the room was crowded around me as I had my arm stretched out. Granted, the only people in the room were my six roommates, but it was still a very claustrophobic situation. "It's not that big of a deal!" I yelled. Everyone slowly backed away and I pulled the sleeve of my cardigan back over my tattoo. "What does it mean?" Sam asked. "I've only figured out the beginning of it." I said, with a sigh. Everyone always asks what your tattoos mean, and when you don't have an explanation it makes you seem stupid. "What does the beginning mean?" Trevor asked. "Well, it reads MEBKJSCRTL." I said, reading off the letters. "And...?" Jc asked. "The M stands for Marie – that's my mom. The E stands for Evan – that's my dad. And the B stands for Beth, my little sister." I explained. Everyone nodded their head in understanding. "How'd you figure that out?" Connor asked, curiously. "I just assumed, it makes sense to have their initials on me, since they're the ones who love me most." I said, shrugging. "Okay, she's obviously getting frustrated." Jc said as he rubbed the spot on my arm that had the tattoo on it – for some reason he loved it more than any other tattoo on his body.

The next day was no less frustrating, my tattoo was again the main topic of conversation as I walked into the kitchen. "Morning babe." Jc said as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead, as that's the most convenient place to kiss me due to my height. "Morning, I hear my tattoo has made its way into the kitchen before I have." I said with an eye roll. "Come on, Mia. It's an interesting piece." Ricky said with a smile. "Where's everyone?" I asked as I looked around, only Ricky, Jc, and Kian were there. "In bed, still, lazy asses." Jc said with a chuckle. I giggled slightly, of course they were in bed, they never got out of bed unless it was past noon or they had something important to do. "Well, I've got a busy day so as soon as I shower and get ready I'm out for the afternoon." I said as I started to head back up the stairs to Jc and I's room. "I love you!" Jc called from the kitchen. "I love you too, dork!" I yelled back.

Getting ready was one of the easiest things I had to do, with a to-do list like mine you'd be surprised how I get it all done. I walked downstairs, looking at least somewhat decent, and headed directly for the door. "I love you!" I heard Jc call from the other room. As I shut the door behind me, I yelled, "I love you too, dork!"

All I could think about all afternoon was my goddamn tattoo, I don't think I've ever thought about it this much since I wrote one of my college essays about it. I just couldn't put my finger on what the other letters stood for, I don't have that many brothers and sisters, and I pray my parents don't give me enough to complete the whole tattoo, because there's seven letters left. I whizzed through my to-do list, as usual, making it home by five o' clock. I walked through the door and got pounced on by the members of O2L.

"WE FIGURED IT OUT!!" was the only sentence I could clearly make out from the4 jumble of hollers and screams that erupted from the boys.

"Figured what out?" I asked as I dropped my purse on the couch. "The meaning of your tattoo, silly." Jc said. "Yeah right, if I couldn't figure it out and I've had the thing for twenty-four years, what makes you think you guys figured it out?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Because we called in some primary sources." Sam said. "You called my mom?!" I asked, in complete disbelief that these fools called my mother to get information about a tattoo that cursed her and her child's life. "Yes, we called your mom. She's the nicest lady every by the way." Trevor said with a smile, as if he had known my mother for years. "Okay, well, what did she say?" I asked, utterly confused and concerned. "She said that she's always thought that it's stood for a bunch of family members, so she listed off a bunch of people that it could stand for." Kian said. "But she couldn't think of an 'L' for her life." Connor added. "Then that can't be it. Hate to burst your bubble but if family members don't complete the tattoo, then that can't be the meaning. And, I can't think of anyone who has a 'K' either, so my mother must be deranged because she's making up family members." I said, picking up my purse as I walked upstairs to Jc and I's shared quarters and slammed the door behind me.

I fell back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, with a feeling of stress overwhelming my body. I had never cared about what it meant before now, and now suddenly it's taken over my life. The thought of the meaning overwhelmed me like a tsunami, and I couldn't push the thought form my brain.

What the fuck does this thing mean?!!


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