Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Acceptable reason

YoonA P.O.V

I just leave Yuri unnie for awhile from the hospital to bought medicines to the pharmacy not so far from the hospital. The doctor said she just got stress, so for now on i'll more take care of her. *Phone rings*, Sulli was calling, i answer it as i said, "Oh~ Sulli, why did you call?", "Ya, where are you now?, Ms.Hyolyn was finding you", she said in a hurry tone, my jaw tropped when i remember that i forgoten to go, "Mianhae, i'll explain it soon when i arrived there, please tell to Ms.Hyolyn that im in my way now", i said and hung up the phone. I about to headed inside of the hospital when i saw Chanyeol heading outside, "Chanyeol-ssi!!" as i shouted and he saw me, "Oh~ YoonA-ssi, Any problem?", "Keondae... I have a work today and im so late, could you please watch Yuri unnie until she back to her energy?", as i ask as a favor, i have no time to show to Yuri unnie, he nodded and i quickly gave to him the medicines that i bought, i just thanked to him and took a cab, really force to ride and really need to hurry up.

Sulli P.O.V

It's to early when Ms.Hyolyn is in her temper because YoonA still not here, the whole room had a bad atmosphere because of that. I have no idea of what YoonA want to happen, this is just her 2nd day, she will be dead to Ms.Hyolyn who is the monster of this department, to tell you she's the daugther of the CEO of this company, she has a good impression because of her work hard but her father doesn't care of that, apparently she still keeping up until she get the attention of her father, thought that she's like a monster because of the coldness of her father to her. I quickly get out of the room and call YoonA, when she answer she said "Oh~ Sulli, why did you call?", "Ya, where are you now?, Ms.Hyolyn was finding you" as i replied in a hurry tone, i admit that i have a bad feeling because i still remember the past' new member of our department who kicked quickly because of getting late, i don't want to happen that to her. "Mianhae, i'll explain it soon when i arrived there, please tell to Ms.Hyolyn that im in my way now" she said and hung the phone.

YoonA P.O.V

I pay for the cab and headed out, run off the building with a butterfly in my stomach. I reached Sulli who seems waiting for me, "Oh! Ms.Im" as she noticed me walking closer to her, she accompanied me inside, i saw Ms.Hyolyn raising her eyebrow while her eyes glazing to me, i quickly apologize but instead of forgiving me in this time she even more get angry, "Why does you took so late?!!! huh!!", now she yelling that made me scared, the only thing i can do is to bowed my head and closed my eyes, i didn't respond qiuckly so that she thought that im ignoring her. I hear her foot steps as she walking closer to me, i opened my eyes and up my chin to see her if i heards right, yes it was true, she's infront of me right now, *Packkkk*, she slapped me so hard and said, "how dare you to enter in this company! youre not matter here! so just get lost!!!!". *erase! erase! erase my imagination*, it was just my thought, i opened my eyes and up my chin to see her, she cross her arms before she said, "Ms.Im you need to explain, follow me in the roof top". Suddenly my hair outgrow because of nervousness, thought that i should not go, but it's makes me more dead if i didn't follow her, *sigh in my mind*, i have no choice so i walked after her.

Ms.Hyolyn P.O.V

Im very disappointed, i thought she's good but it seems not, i told her to follow me in the roof top, she should gave me a acceptable reason so i'll let go this time. I know that i should not give her a special talk but we need, she's luck because Mr.President told that this one is talented, but if Mr.President didn't say that i will not gave her a chance to explain and quickly fired her. "Ms.Im, you have 5 minutes to explain, just acceptable reason or else it's end" i said in a strict voice, "Y-yes ma'am. Ammmmm..... My friend must take immediately to hospital because. . . s-she got sick. i know that this is not acceptable reason but my friend is in danger at that time and i don't know what im going to do, im sorry", she said those words, i don't know but when i heard that i back from my past.

*Flash back*

"Broke up with him", my father said in a calm voice, he said just a few words but a bothering one, but in other hand i amazed because he spoke who mute all the time, thought that he's a pressed, this time became interessing, seems he want to talk about that thing. "When you became care to me?" i said in a cold voice, i admit that im nervous while saying those words, because i've never talked to him in pedantic way. I stared at him when he said "Its doesn't care, just broke up with him", it's really hurt because of the fact that your father didn't care to you but he even control your life, im such unlucky daughter who had a demon father. "I came here for the documents not-", im talking when he interrupt me by saying, "I SAID JUST BROKE UP WITH HIM!!!", he's in his temper now, this is the first time that he yelled me, im sure his really mad but. . . but. *sigh*, "I cant do that" i stood up and headed outside, i heard the yelled of him and felt scared, it's not because of him, it's because of my boyfriend who i dont want to lose.

Im in the meeting when my phone ring, it's bothered for all and specially to him who glazing to me, i quickly headed outside and answer the phone, "Oh. Hyeon-u, why did you call", "Unnie. Hyeon-u Oppa i-is. . .", a girl said with a crying tone, did i thought wrong?, it was his number but it's not him, it was a girl but sounds familiar, OH! i get it!, it's Ha-eun, sister of my boyfriend, but why is she crying?, did something happen?. "What's wrong Ha-eun?" as i asked in a serious tone, "Hyeon-u oppa is in the emergency room right now", i was shocked when she said that, never imagine that it will happen to him, i should go, he needs me. I about to go when someone spoke from my back, "Don't go", i turned around to see who's that, i saw Mr.President, he really trying to stop me, but. . . i have my own life so i should fight for my self and for my future. "I need to go, you cant stopped me so please Appa, please", that was my first time to call him as Appa, i just hoping he'll let this time for his daughter. But instead of letting me, he even control me by calling his personal guard, he said that if i'll go, he will do something, i didn't scared of that, i scared for Hyeon-u because he needs me now, i will not forgive my self if i would not went there to see him, being his girlfriend im responsible to take cafe of him, to stay by his side and specially to not lost him. "Aniee! I don't want and i cant do that. Sorry appa but i chose him", i quickly run and drive off to the hospital, i don't care if my father will get mad at me because i do that, i should do the right thing. I reached Ha-eun and Mrs.Jung crying who heading inside of the emergency room, is this mean?.

I had social anxiety disorder, i did not leave to my room for about two months because i was afraid of people and specially to my father, hating him and my self too, because i did nothing for Hyeon-u, i really hate my self of being an fightable to my father for him, if i just quickly went to him when the time he's in the emergency room im sure i'll be a good girlfriend to him.

*End of flash back*

"It's okay, I'll go this time" i said in a serious tone but deep inside i felt of sadness. "But don't forget your task" as i added and just leave her.


A/N: Its been a week when the last time i update and now im here again to share this another chapter~ Im not sure if you like this chapter but if you do, you may gave me some vote for this. But i cant promise that i will update next week because im busy, i know you too. So please dont force me to update, dont leave me some comment like "please UD" or "Update~", i want you to leave a beautiful comment/s that will encourge me to makes more better, dont worry i will update when i have my time. So please always support my story and a happy 4.5k+ readers for this story!, i hope i receive more votes from you ^_~. Annyeong~

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