Death by Car Crash

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"Valeria what the Hell were you thinking, you know my rule they are coming closer and closer every day. The number one rule that I enforce is: do not go out after dark and what do you do? You go out after dark anyway. Why explain to me why you felt the need to risk our lives so you could have a girls night." He yells down at me making me shrink farther into my seat.

Screw this I thought, sitting up if I was going to get this out I would have to look brave.

"You want to know what I was thinking?...I was thinking...." I began "Is that for once in my life I wanted to be a normal teenage girl and get to hang out with a friend eat junk food, watch bad movies and just be a girl. I'm sick of hiding or waiting or even training to fight for these "monsters" that you keep talking about but guess what dad I've never seen them. I don't want to be afraid of something for my whole life, that isn't even there Dad. Like Mar said one day I wont live here anymore I will move away and you wont be able to protect me anymore, why wait for that day when I can live my life now?" I explain.

"You do live your life Valeria, you do sports, you do dance, you do a lot of thing a "normal" girl does just with rules." He said calming.

"That's not the point dad, I don't agree with your rules and I don't refuse to believe that there are "monsters"out there that are going to get me." I said getting more irritated by the moment.

"You don't have to agree or believe me Valeria but you do have to follow what I say because I am the only family that you have and I'm your father." He says mad again. "This never would have happened if your mother was still alive, She would have never aloud this.

"Fine." I said in a huff looking out the window, I noticing that we were almost home, brining up my mom always made me feel upset, it didn't help that he was drunk.

We came to an intersection we could either go the short cut through the graveyard or the highway where there was heavy traffic tonight. "Dad we should just go through the graveyard it quicker and I know you want to get home as quick as possible, just speed bye it and I promise it will be ok."

"Fine." He said tensing up, my dad was highly afraid of graveyards, especially at night. He said that, that's where the "monsters" love to nest the most.

Dads hands started shaking and his knee started to bounce, sweat dripped down his temple.

I turned on the radio giving him something to focus on other then the graveyard. My dads eyes were on high alert looking in all directions, he scanned the road like a watch dog. Dad was sweating like a pig now dripping all over. His eyes suddenly focused on one spot on the road up ahead and grew big. He slammed his foot on the gas, and started screaming jibberous.

I grabbed onto the door for support afraid of crashing and the fact that he was still very drunk.

My dad was still screaming when I saw something appear in front of the car I let out a scream myself, Dad jumped at my suddenly outburst taking his eyes off of the road for a spilt second to make sure I was ok, causing the car to swerve.

He tried to pull it back onto the road but it was to late we drove in the ditch, causing us to roll and roll and roll down the hill to the graveyard.

When we got to flat ground we lay on the roof of the car. I heard a scream in the distance, I felt numb and the blood rushed to my ear from the impact. I unbuckled my self and fell to the roof pain shooting through my body and I realized that the scream I had heard was me, but now it sounded more like a sob.

The windows of the car all had been busted and glass littered the whole car, cutting into my legs and arms my body ached.

I blindly reached over for my father but was met by nothing, I looked over to find that my dad was gone, I let out another sob.

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