When Friends Come to Play

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Hello, my name is Valeria Bell. I have never lived a normal life, I've always been locked away, always been daddy little girl.

I live with my dad, because my mom died 16 years ago, giving birth to me and my dad never really got back into the dating pool, so it just been him and I. I don't think I would have wanted it any other way though.

One thing you should know about my dad is that he isn't your typical dad and goes by his own rule book and excepts me to do the same.

One of the many rule that I've had to follow since I was very little is: no going out after dark, because my dad believes "monsters" are out there waiting for us. I believe that this is just another one of his drunken hallucinations.

Guess how many school dances, parties, and recitals, I have missed in my life, a lot.

My friends used to think I was joking and asked me for about two years to come to sleepovers before giving up realizing I was serious.

I feel like i'm missing a major part of my life not going to these things, but that's life I guess.

Today was a beautiful day, because of the whole "No going outside after sunset." thing I was a total sun sponge.

I was tan and tall with long sunshine gold hair that went half way down my back because my dad refused to let me cut it but I loved it. To top it all off I had eyes that changed like autumn leaves.

I loved hanging outside and playing sports like soccer or volleyball and I'm quite a passionate swimmer. I also enjoy just relaxing outside like I was doing now.

Laying on my beach towel, I was reading a magazine when my phone suddenly rang. It was Marina, she was my best friend for reasons I was always unsure of.


"Hey Val, I want you to come over tonight, and before you say anything about the stupid rule listen to me. I have an idea, I want you to pretend to go to bed, then wait it out then sneak out your window, simple as that." She said in a rush.

"Mar this is way to risky my Dad will find out some how and then I will be in deep and I mean deep shit. I've never broke one of his rules and I don't want to start now."

"Come on Val have you ever wondered what it would actually be like to experience a girls night, I mean we have been friends for how long now, five years and we only come to each others house during the day for a few hours and you have never spent the night at my house. One day you will be out of your Dads house and you'll have to experience it some day why not now?"

"Mar come on you know how my Dad can get."

"I know and you will make me really upset if you don't come over tonight."

"Mar don't you dare be like that, but fine I will do it but if I get caught or die it is completely on you."

"Agreed love you Val and if all goes well, I will pick you up on the corner at eleven, then I will bring you home early in the morning so he never suspects a thing."

Before I could say anything more she hung up. "Love you to Mar.."

So here I was wondering how I was going to pull this off. Yet excited for my first real sleep over.


I hung out in my room the rest of the afternoon not wanting to draw anymore attention to myself then needed.

I packed a quick over night bag to take to Mar's and hide it under my bed just in case my dad happened to walk in.

I spent hours pacing in my room think of all the possible out comes tonight could lead to. My dad would kill me, he would lock me up forever never trusting me again, he would never find out and I would actually get to be a teenager for once in my life but really what was the chances that, that would be the outcome.

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