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There are so many people here I can't believe my eye. Literally I only have one eye it does not feel so good either.

"Sunny why are we here I thought we already got our shots for us not to loose body parts?"

"Well eve we are here because.. because....." I don't want to tell her don't huh but I have too.

"Eve iam not going to lie but we are here because we have to get our trackers in you need one every five years every monster needs it so we know if you have been kidnapped or on the other type of monsters territory."

"Oh ok but iam scared sunny."

"Its ok iam right here don't be."

"Next." I watch my little sister until I can not see any more..

"No not you sunny first. Go back in line after her." Wait what are we put in order or something??? Well I might as well go. Wait what is that on the board??? Oh my gosh we are numbered. It has every type of monster us which is zombies, vampires, and wearwolfs. They all have names zombies us: Sunny cole Vampires: Sophe milber Wearwolfs: Zack hole. Their pictures their faces they are all looking at the screen like me they wave so I do to why are they waving they look so nice why are we fighting for who is the best type of monster anyway? But they both look like eachother they both look like me........

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