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It is getting really hot in here. It is a small littlle room with a ton of people.

"Sophe what are we doing here?" That is my little sister her name is bella. I really dont want to tell her why we are here. It is because we have to get our put our trackers in our leg. They have to cut our leg in half then stick this metal piece in.


"Huh we are here to have a surgery to put in our legs I am so sorry..."

"what but sophe I I thought we where vampires we dont need anything..."

"Bella that is why we need this so they know if we are in a different teritory"

"NEXT!!!!"My little-sister is walking up ..

"No no not you Sophe you come on"

OK I guess hey wait what is that on the screen its other monsters I cant really see their last names but I see their first and I see them

Vampires: Sophe(me) Wearwolfs: Zach Zombies: Sunny

They see me so I wave its only me and Zach waving but finally Sunny waves to.

They look like me so much they can be my siblings no no I'am crazy to even think that.

I walk into the dark room............

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