Chapter Fourteen

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Percy's POV

I awoke to a slap with a fish. Insulting right?

I opened my eyes to see a man in a robe.

"Who are you?" I questioned while trying to reach him with useless attempts as the chains clinked and clanked.

He took a dagger from the table next to him and stabbed me in the arm and took it out.

"I am your worst nightmare" he said cackling as he left.


"He is powerful, master" I said as I dropped to one knee in front of a screen.

"How so?" The curtain replied.

"He didn't seem scared when he woke up. Plus when I stabbed him with the dagger he didn't even scream or do anything" I reported.

"You will break him and he will eventually break." The curtain replied. "Now leave."

"Yes master."

Percy's POV

I was slowly blacking out from the stab wound. On the floor was blood that was pooling. Scanning the room I saw a cup of water on a table. I concentrated on the water to come to me. As the cup tipped the door opened up and my captor came in.

"What are you doing?!" He said before coming over and punching me in the face.

Before I blacked out I heard him mutter, "He's dangerous."

Percy Jackson teaches at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now