Chapter Eight

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Sorry for the long wait I had a lot of homework and test to take and didn't have enough time to write. Hope you enjoy, comment and vote!

Harry's POV

Professor Jackson was covered in blood. He had a long gash from his arm to his waist. Hagrid leaped into action and picked him up and rushed him to the hospital wing with me trailing behind.

"Madden Pomfrey" he huffed.

She took one look at Professor Jackson and started to get to work.

Hagrid finally saw me and said, "Let Madden Pomfrey do her work."

I waited outside for what seems hours when she finally came out and told me that I could come in. When I came in I saw Professor Jackson sitting up and eating blue chocolate?

"Hi Professor Jackson" I studdered.

He looked at me, "What is it" he asked

"Sorry for getting you injured. If I had stayed back and let you handle it you probably wouldn't have gotten injured." I muttered without looking at him.

"Harry" he said. "Look at me"

I looked at him. "It's okay" he said "just listen next time and no one will get hurt. Now off you go." He told me.

Percy's POV

As he left I took a golden drachma out of my pocket and created a veil of mist so I could message Thaila and said, "oh Fleccy do me a solid and show me Thaila at the hunter's camp.

As the mist formed I saw Thaila training and finished ripping a dummy's head off.

"Hey Thalia" I said as she turned around with a hunting knife looking to kill who ever snuck up on her.

When she saw me she relaxed, "What's up Perce"

"I need you to come to Hogwarts." I said.

"What's powwart?" She questioned with a confused look

"Hogwarts" I said trying to not laugh, "It's a school for wizards and witches. I need you to come because a drakon just attacked." I continued.

"Oh" she said. "How come wherever you go monsters always follow you?"

"They love me" I replied with a grin.

"Okay we will be there. Sit tight" she said as she swiped the mist out.

Percy Jackson teaches at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now