Chapter Eleven

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Hermione's POV

We tumbled back in through the door when I heard a voice. "Where have you been and where is my cloak."


I was pouring through books trying to find out what Professor Jackson fought. I hate not knowing what is going on everywhere. Finally i gave up looking in the library after finishing my last book in the four stacks of books that i had on my table. I went back to the commons discouraged. Sitting in one of the beanbags that were placed half hazardly in the room. Ron came up to me seeing that i was gloomy he asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's so frustrating not knowing everything." I said with my hands on my head.

"It's okay Mione" He said trying to cheer me up.

Suddenly a great idea went through my head.

"Ron!" I said excitedly. "What if we snuck into Professor Jackson room and looked for clues into what that creature he fought. He seemed to know what creature it was so he must have something on it."

He didn't reply right away but when he did he agreed.

"Thanks" I said and then kissed his cheek. I immediately broke contact then looked down blushing furiously. I liked Ron but i didn't know if he liked me back. (Let's pretend that they aren't together)

"I'lll g-get the cloak f-from Harry." He stammered as he went into the boy's dormitory.

After a few minutes he came back with the cloak and we put it on walking toward Professor Jackson's room. It was relatively easy getting in with using a simple spell.

"Okay" I said. "Start searching"

We looked through many draws and cabinets but couldn't find anything.

We were in Professor Jackson's room when we heard a noise.

We got the cloak out and through it over us

I heard Ron whisper, "shh. I think someone is coming in."

We were in the far corner when I suddenly saw Professor Jackson appear. He started walking around the room when he reached his hand out and grabbed the cloak. As we appeared we were both speechless.

"What are you guys doing here?" He said shaking with fury.

I couldn't talk and just stood there.

"Get out" he roared.

I leaped to life and grabbed Ron's hand and we fled back to the commons.

Flashback ends

A.N. Sorry it took so long to post the next chapter. I have been studying for finals that I have. Hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment on parts you like!

Percy Jackson teaches at HogwartsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora