Chapter 19 - Let's Go Home, Baby.

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Hiii guys. Sorry, it's gonna be a short chapter, but it's all I can do with exams coming up. Thankss for understanding! <3

I'm Going to Be A Mom ... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 19 - Let's Go Home, Baby.

"You have everything? You're not forgetting anything?" Dad asked, one hand on the car door, the other on the top.

I put the seatbelt around Hudson's car seat, and put the big bag full of my stuff and baby stuff beside him. "Yes. Everything. Wait... Yeah." I closed the car door and got in the front seat, buckling myself in with a sigh. After giving birth, I had a fitful sleep and I demanded to leave the next morning. So I packed all of my stuff up and left the hospital. It was my birthday today, but I was far too exhausted to celebrate. All of us were.

Hudson was fast asleep, and I would occasionally look back at him to make sure he was alright. I suppose that was my motherly instinct, and I felt a sense of protectiveness over Hudson, like a mother bear with her cubs. Okay, well maybe not that protective.

"You alright hun?" Dad asked, giving my hand a pat.

"Yeah, um..." I let a breath out through my nose. "I'm just really tired."

Dad gave a laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure. We'll put Hudson in his crib and then you should go to bed."

"Dad, you didn't even need to tell me." I grinned.

So the rest of the drive home was silent, except for the wind rushing past our car windows. I closed my eyes, almost falling asleep, but had to wake up because we were home. I had no desire to step out into the freezing wind, but I had to go out if I wanted to get into my warm, comfortable bed. So I opened my door, got blasted in the face by freezing cold wind, and gritted my teeth. I went around to the back seat and unbuckled Hudson, while Dad took some of the bags. I put my purse over shoulder and lifted Hudson out, making sure to shield him from the wind. Dad unlocked the door and we went inside, warm at last.

I took Hudson upstairs, talking to him softly as I made my way up. "You're home now, baby. This is your room," I said, entering his nursery. "And this is where you'll be sleeping, from now on. Hey baby? Do you like it?" I murmured, smiling at this little sleeping angel. He stirred, making the cutest little noise I'd ever heard. And then he opened his eyes.

This was the first time I'd seen Hudson open his eyes. They were a startling dark grey, full of intelligence and knowledge. They were fascinating, as if they belonged to someone with years of seeing the world, and not the eyes of a newborn baby.

I was completely caught up in his eyes. It's true, they were like Mason's beautiful grey eyes, but Hudson's were so much deeper and soulful. He had a tuft of black hair on his head, as soft as fur. Overall, he was the cutest baby in the world. I knew that most babies were born with dark blue eyes, but somehow, Hudson was born with the most stunning grey eyes I'd ever seen.

I took him out of his crib gently, putting him in my arms. He looked up at me, and I smiled. "Hi baby. I'm your mummy. Hiiii," I cooed, slowly walking back and forth. "You're such a sweetie. Hey. Yeah! Yeahhh, it's me," I said. I kissed his cheek, and held him against my shoulder while I took out his diapers and other things. He started to cry, and I answered with, "Shhhh. I know you're hungry. I knowwww. It's okay. Shhh."

I put him down on the changing table and unwrapped his blanket, unbuttoning his clothes. I opened his diaper, and a wave of nausea passed over me as I smelled the contents. "Oh god. That is just... nasty, oh my god." I quickly changed it, then put pair of socks on his tiny little feet, and some mittens. He was in a one-piece pyjama, striped blue and white. He was still crying, so I brought him with me to the rocking chair and started to breastfeed him. He was quiet at once, gulping down his breakfast. It felt kind of weird, but I guess I would get used to it.

After his meal, I put my sleeping baby in his crib, and admired the sleeping angel. He was so fricking cute!

I went to my bedroom, which hadn't changed from last night when my water broke, so I took off my clothes, dumped them in my laundry basket, and got into a pair of pyjamas. Then I collapsed on my bed, asleep in seconds.


I woke up, feeling stiff all over. My breasts felt really sore and heavy, and it was painful. I looked at the clock - it was almost noon. I had been sleeping for about two hours.

I quickly got up and went to my baby's room to check in on him. When I looked over the edge of the crib, there was no sleeping baby.

In a panic, I rushed to the top of the stairs, calling Dad. "Hudson isn't in his crib!" I said.

I saw Rosalie walking slowly to the base of the stairs, bouncing Hudson gently in her arms. "It's okay, Jenna. Don't worry, I've got him right here," she said softly. "I didn't mean to get you all panicked, I just... Sorry. I had to pick him up. He's just so darn CUTE!"

I laughed a little. I felt relieved. "Okay, I'm glad. I was really scared for a second there."

"Don't worry, he's safe with me. You should go take a shower, and rinse off all those hospital germs. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I walked back into my bedroom, took off my pyjamas, and hopped into the shower to soap myself up and wash my hair.

In the shower, I looked at my belly. It was much smaller than when I was pregnant, but there was a lot of fat left over. I was going to need to work out. A LOT. 

But not now. Because I was tired.

I dried my hair with a towel and got into some sweatpants, a t-shirt and a sweater, and made my way downstairs. Rosalie was watching tv, and Hudson was sleeping on her lap. She had a mug in her hand.

"Hey," she said. "Want your little monster back? He's been an angel. Hasn't cried or woken up since we got home."

I smiled. "Sure." I bent down and picked up my little angel, tucking him in the crook of my arm. He was so cute when he was alseep. I had felt so attached to him when he was inside of me, but now, I just felt an overflowing love for this tiny baby. My baby.

I sat down next to Rosalie, but I didn't watch the tv. I just watched my baby, sleeping peacefully. And right then, everything was okay.

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