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[Author's Note: Edited/Posted {3.24.2014}]

Only a week after Chet arrived at the Institue and everyone had fallen back into their schedules, teaching or attending a class. In a couple more weeks, the younger students would be sent off to school, and only those who had graduated high school, or those who were too old to go, would be left in the mansion during the day. The members of the team sent to retrieve Bio-hazard had woken up, and seemed to be fine, albeit a little angry. Marcus Preed was locked in a special prison, the dispelling collar locked around his neck, and his limbs restrained.

"Emery, don't you think it's time to tell me what Chet can do?" Kurt asked, spotting her. It was Wednesday, August 29th, at 2:18pm, and as according to her schedule she was bench pressing weights: just enough to work her arm muscles for the next fifteen minutes.

"No," she said curtly.

"Are you afraid of him?"

Emery set the weights down and in one smooth movement, moved off the bench and over to the hand weights.

"You've been avoiding him all week, using your abilities to run away so you don't cross paths, or having me teleport somewhere he can't follow. I've never seen you run away from anyone before." He didn't move his spot by the bench as he talked to her.

She ignored him.

"Ernsthaft! Emery!" he exclaimed. "If he still has it in for you, dann don't you think its fair zu let me know what we're up against?"

She whirled around and threw the hand weights down in front of her. They clanged together as they clashed to the floor.

"Kurt!" she said angrily. Then she closed her eyes and took a breath to calm her emotions, lest they spiral out of control.

"Why didn't you show me the part where Beast picked you guys up? What happened Emery? What can he do? What did he do?"

"He isn't an enemy! He may be a jerk, and he may want me back, but he's not an enemy."

"Then why are you so anxious about his abilities?"

"Because I don't know how to fight them! Okay? I don't know how to fight them."

Kurt paled. Emery didn't know how to fight him? Her powers were useless against his? "What... are they?"

"I don't know what to call it."

"But," Kurt encouraged.

"When he comes in contact with someone, he can control them."


"All he needs is skin contact, and then the person will do whatever he tells them to."

"For how long?"

"Until he falls asleep I think."

Kurt thought about it for a moment. Then he frowned. "What did he make you do?"


"He showed you his power right? Und you kissed him, so, he used his powers on you. What did he make you do?"

"Just rudimentary things."

"Like?" Kurt moved closer to her.

"Raising my hand, turning in a circle, sitting down, standing up: those kind of things."

"Und you couldn't disobey?"

"I was trying to, but my body didn't listen to me."

"Und you couldn't use your abilities?"

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