Best Friends

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[Author's Note: {12-22-2013} Posted]

"Well that's quite the situation you've presented me with. I'm not sure there is anything I can do to help you with that at this time, besides work with you to develop control over yourself and your gifts. I am capable of illusions such as that, but never have I changed an object as blatantly as you have," the Professor explained.

"Any ideas? Anything at all that could help me. I almost killed Kurt today."

"Yes, indeed. You seem quite attached to that boy."

Emery stared expressionlessly at the Professor.

Eighty-three miles away, by a remote facility, the shadow floated around in circles. There had to be a way inside. Disembodied did not mean capable of passing through things. There must be a way that it could get inside. Suddenly, it came up with an idea, and began to develop a plan. If it had a mouth it would have smirked.

"I'm glad you came to me for help Emery; I'm sorry if I didn't give you the answers or ideas you wanted to hear."

Emery stood up to leave the Professor's office.

"Oh yes! One more thing, I almost forgot to tell you. I wanted to let you know ahead of time that one of Kurt's friends will be returning to us soon."

"Why would you need to tell me that ahead of time?"

"They're very close. I am worried that you will have an emotional disturbance that affects your powers again."

"You think I'm going to get jealous. Over Kurt's best friend?"

"Jealous is one option. But there are many emotions, Emery, just because they are not immediately thought of does not mean they won't make an appearance. Promise me you'll try to retain your powers upon her arrival?"

"Her?" Emery questioned.

"Promise me."

"Yes sir, I promise."

"Good, now why don't you go get a book from the library and eat some lunch? I'm sure you must be hungry from the use of your powers. Relax a bit, alright?"

"Yes, sir," Emery nodded.

Emery traversed down to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She was surprised to find a bowl there with her name on it. 'For Emery, From Ororo. I thought you could use a nice pasta salad to cheer you up. You'll heal soon enough. Enjoy!' Emery smiled at the note. That was nice of Ororo. She was very mother-like. Her smile faded. She hadn't meant to remind herself of her mother. Emery tried hard not to remember a thing about her mother. She opened the container of pasta and retrieved a fork out of the utensil drawer. Making her way to the library, she thought about what the Professor had said. So Kurt's best friend was a girl. Emery wondered if Kurt and his best friend had a relationship like she and Chet had had. The thought startled her so much she almost choked on her food. Frowning, she hadn't realized when she'd begun thinking about Chet, but images were passing before her eyes.

"Come on Em, jump! It's not that high!" Chet called to her from the pool. She hated heights like this, heights that left her on unsure ground and a long, long fall to the ground. Granted, this was water, not the ground.

'Yes it is,' she thought. 'Why on earth would anyone do this?'

"Oh come on Em, just get down here."

She sighed. She was going to regret this. She really was. Closing her eyes, she jumped off the 30 foot high diving board. She landed in the water with a loud splash, sinking below the water seven, eight, almost nine feet deep. Emery opened her eyes, realizing she wasn't close enough to the bottom of the pool to push off, and began to swim to the surface. After what felt like ages, her legs kicking furiously, her lungs screaming for air, she felt herself being pulled up to the surface and towards the rim of the pool. Chet's arm wrapped around her tightly, holding her above the water; his other hand was secured on the edge.

"You alright there, Em?"

She took several gasping breaths before she replied.

"I am never, ever, doing that again." She proceeded to smack him upside the head. "I almost died!"

"Aw come on, that's a bit over dramatic don't you think? How did you feel?"

Emery glared at him. "It was terrifying."

"But isn't your adrenaline going?" Chet smirked.

"When my heartbeat returns to normal, I'll let you know."

He laughed. He set her up on the edge of the pool and hopped up beside her. Without warning, he pulled her to him and kissed her square on the lips. They kissed, tenderly, for a long time. When they finally stopped, Chet's smirk was gone. His face now held a look of uncertainty.

"I… I'm sorry Em. I guess I let my adrenaline control me for a second."

She took a minute to come back to reality. She hadn't expected him to kiss her. Ever. He'd been her best friend for years and never once did he hint at becoming anything more.

She took hold of his hand, mostly to steady herself, but partly to ensure he didn't leave her there.

"It's okay, Chet. I didn't mind."

He blinked. "You're… okay with it?"

"I am."

"Can I kiss you again then?"

Emery blushed, but nodded.

And by the poolside, Chet gave her both her first kiss, and let her experience her first make out session.

That was right. Chet had been her first kiss. He'd been her first everything. She'd never really thought about it before. He'd been her first friend, her first crush, her first boyfriend, her first kiss, make-out, hickey; he'd even taken her virginity. But he'd given her a lot of firsts too. He'd taken her to her first movie at the movie theater, had taken her skiing for the first time. He'd even given her her first puppy as a birthday present. Emery curled up on the chair in the library, pasta eaten, body cold, and tears running down her face. He'd been her whole life. His loss was burning a black hole in her heart.

Kurt and Beast spent the next hour scrubbing the scorch marks off the floor.

"Well, the wall and ceiling are going to have to wait for another day. I have a class to teach and you have a girl to check on," Beast said.

Kurt stopped scrubbing the spot on the floor.

"Ja, I'm getting sore from this work. I could use a break."

They left the room, locked the door, and parted ways.

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