Too Much Too Soon

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[Author's Note

{12-16-2013} Posted

{1-28-2018} Siehst du, das war keine gute idee == You see, that was not a good idea.]

The noise inside her brain was gone. What happened? Emery opened her eyes. Kurt, she called mentally to the boy who was still wrapped around her. Kurt? He didnt respond.

Emery, where are we? Kurt asked.

I dont know.

Emery, come on. Where are we?

I said I dont know.

This isnt funny Emery, Kurt said standing up and looking around. The ground was a barren dark purple. Purple lava seemingly made from plasma seemed to be bubbling and running along the ground at various points.

I dont know where we are, she said mentally again.

Kurt turned to her. Now ist nicht der time zu stop talking zu me!

Emery smiled mentally. Okay, so she kind of liked his accent. This wasnt the time to be smiling. If he couldnt hear her, maybe she could hear him. She tried tapping into his mind. There was nothing but silence.

Kurt, Emery said out loud. I cant communicate with my mind.

He froze. Emery spoke. Emery had spoken: verbally. He stared at her. Wait she couldnt communicate? She couldnt use her mind at all? Her mind definitely brought her here. If she couldnt use her mind at all "Can you bring us back?

Emery tried and shook her head. I cant use my mind at all, and I have no idea where we are.

Kurt took her hand. "We should look around; see if we can find un vay out of here."

Emery nodded her head in confirmation.

As they searched around this barren land, a shadow slipped around the glowing mounds of plasma, gliding gracefully behind them. Neither one of them noticed its presence, nor the sinister way it followed them. They discovered that while Emery held no power here, Kurt still had his power of teleportation. However, it didn't matter how hard he tried, he couldn't teleport back to the mansion, or anywhere else on earth.

"What is this non-sense?" Emery asked, squatting down to poke at the purple plasma-like goo.

"Don't touch that!" Kurt pulled her away.

"Why not?"

"Do you normally touch things that could harm you?"

"How do I know it will harm me unless I touch it? Besides it looks like the plasma that I work with, that's not harmful at all. Well, unless you eat it.

Kurt stared in horror as she stuck her finger into the goo. When nothing happened, she continued to push her hand even deeper into said mound of goo. It began to glow.

"Emery I don't think" He had been about to tell her that wasn't such a good idea when the goo started to pull her into itself.

"Kurt," she said nervously. "I can't get out."

"Siehst du, das war keine gute idee."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back, trying to get her out of the goop without having to touch it himself. It did no good, the sludge continued to pull her in. Slowly, like quicksand, it absorbed the two of them, leaving them in perpetual darkness only penetrated by the purple plasmic glow that composed the substance.

Feelings of fear and panic suddenly struck Kurt, but he knew these weren't his own. Emery had to be projecting her emotions like she projected her voice into his head. Wait a minute; if she could do that, then perhaps she could use her powers.

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