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[Author's Note: {1-11-2014} Posted]

Emery had not appreciated it when the Dr. McCoy and Logan, that the guy fetched, lifted her onto the stretcher. She'd appreciated it even less when Dr. McCoy prodded at her ribs to prove that they were indeed broken, apparently for a second time. The doctor had also discovered that she had short-term memory loss. Anything between the first time her body created an atomic light explosion and the time it happened an hour or two ago was totally wiped clean from her memory. Of course, there were a few fragments. She just was struggling to piece them together.

The first time she had done that, was senior year in high school. She'd had a particularly rough day at school and let her emotions get the best of her. There was always taunting and jabbing; there was even things that were thrown at her and mean pranks pulled on her. The reason she'd gotten worked up was that, that day, Chet had decided to join in the school's fun. He'd participated in a paint and garbage throwing spree that lasted several class periods. Eventually her emotions had spiraled out of control and she had subconsciously created a bubble of plasma around her. This then continued to expand. The teacher thought quickly and pulled the fire alarm, forcing everyone to leave the school. Emery stayed in her seat, oblivious to everything around her, stuck inside her little bubble. When the bubble exploded, it took out a good chunk of the building and sent shrapnel flying. Several people were injured. Chet was one of them.

"Why don't you open your eyes Emery?" Dr. McCoy encouraged, pulling her out of her memory. If only he'd let her keep going. Maybe she would remember what had happened next.

"I'd prefer not to."

"What are you afraid of?"

Emery didn't answer.

"Kurt and I are the only ones in here. You may not remember us, but you were very close to Kurt. In fact, it's safe to say he was the only one we were sure you trusted. You and I became close associates over the course of the last few weeks with your broken ribs in their healing process, which you will be starting all over again."

"Why can't I just get the Professor and have him dig up her memories?" Kurt complained.

"Perhaps, given time, she can recover them all on her own."

"It would be faster to..."

"Yes I know," Dr. McCoy cut Kurt off. "But Emery could use some time to heal her physical wounds. Give her mental ones time to heal as well."

"I don't think I particularly want them back," Emery murmured, but both of them heard.

"Why not?" Kurt asked.

"It doesn't feel like there are very many good memories missing."

"That's because you can't remember them."

"No. They feel like bad memories. I don't want them."

"Then perhaps, this is fate's way of giving you a clean slate."

"I am not okay with this!" Kurt complained. "I'm going to get the Professor."

"The procedure Kurt would like me to do involves you letting me into your brain and bringing the missing span of time to the forefront of your mind. This will not only bring back your memories and get rid of your amnesia, but it will also force you to remember everything that has happened as if you are reliving it. Is that what you want?" the Professor asked.


"Emery, please, let the Professor."

"I don't want him in my brain. I don't think I want to remember these memories."

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