Chapter 1

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Chapter One

"You ungrateful bitch!" My dad yelled as he punched me in the stomach. I fell on the ground crying in pain, wondering how I got myself into this mess.

"I-I'm sorry daddy" I cried hoping he would accept my apology.

"Look at you... pathetic" He said and walked out of my room.

I'm used to my dad hitting me,but it's getting worse every day. He wasn't always so abusive to me. The abuse started when my mom died in a car accident. My dad wasn't able to deal with the pain, so he took all of his frustration and guilt out on me...

Still on the floor in pain I use the rest of my energy to get up and take a shower. As I'm the shower I Start to wonder how my life would've been If my mom didn't die that night.

"HURRY UP, ALEXIS!" My dad yelled as he banged on the door.

I quickly hurried up and made my way out of the shower. I got dressed carefully avoiding the bruise on my stomach. When i was done getting dress I went to bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

Morning came quickly and it was time for school. I got up, still a Little sore from when my dad punched me in the stomach; and went to my closet to pick out my clothes.

I decided to wear a purple blouse with my dark blue skinnies. When i was done getting dressed I went quietly downstairs to make breakfast for my dad and I.

Trying not to make too much noise I pull out a pan and make pancakes."Crap!" I only had 20 mins to get to school. I quickly sat my dads food on the table and placed my food in the fridge. I grabbed my things and ran out the house. I ran all the way to school.

By the time I arrived I was tired and trying to catch my breath. "Wow, You OK?" Tyler asked a little amused.

Tyler is one of my best friends. I tell him everything. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said finally starting to breath evenly.

The bell ringed and It was now time for class. Tyler walked with me. "You look exhausted" Tyler said stating the obvious. "Did you run all the way here?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah if I didn't then I was going to be late" I said flatly. "Oh,had to make breakfast for your dad again?".

"When don't I have to make breakfast for my dad?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah,True.. I should get to class".

"Alright see at lunch" I said as I watched him walk away.

As I walked,I observed the halls like I always do. The halls are always noisy filled with music, people singing and dancing. It amazed me how they have talents that they enjoy. Im one out of the few people who go to a performing arts school and doesn't have any type of talent. Even if I did.. my dad wouldn't allow it.

I arrived to class and sat by Ariana. "Hey,Alexis" she said with enthusiasm.

"Hey" I said as I turned away and starred out the window. "Whats wrong with you?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing" I said abruptly, hoping she wouldn't ask anymore questions. Ariana didn't know bout my dad and his abuse.The only one who knew was Tyler..and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Are you sure you know I can always help" She said hoping I would give in.

"Nothings wrong OK?" I said nearly yelling. I was getting a little irritated.

"Sorry I didn't mean-"

"It's OK" I said cutting her off and finished starring out the window.

I starred out the window and started thinking what my dad was going to do to me when I got home. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but he always finds something to get mad at me for.

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