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Mia's POV

"3...2...1....Ready or not here I come!"

I laughed as Alex pretended to look for our babies in the park. I could see them from where I was sitting on our blanket in the middle of the park. We had decided to have a picnic since the weather was so beautiful today.

When we had our first son, Taylor, I thought there would never be enough space in my heart for another baby. But when I had our twin boys two years later, I knew I had been wrong. The space in my heart just kept growing and growing so I could move them all equally.

I laughed when I saw my husband, Alexander, find Edward Taylor hiding behind a tree. He was only five but he was one smart little boy. He tried to trick his daddy by leaving his shoes poking out of a different tree so he'd think he was there. Unfortunately for him, Alex could hear his giggles and caught him.

Our twins who were now three were the loudest and most silly kids. They didn't even hide, instead they just covered their eyes and stood in the middle of the park. They hadn't learned that just because they can't see doesn't mean we can't see them.

I laughed loudly at their surprised faces when Alex caught them. I finished taking out their snacks and drinks before I called them.

"Food's ready! Come here boys!"

Edward Taylor arrived first because he ran faster since he was older. I smiled at his dimpled grin. We had named him after Taylor to honor him for saving me and our baby. Addison was always so grateful that we had done that but it was the least we could do after he saves our lives. At first it was extremely difficult for her to be around us because she was reminded of her loss. Little by little she has learned to cope with the pain and started visiting us and the boys more often. Especially since her baby girl, Taylor Arlene, loved being around the boys. Addison found out she was pregnant less than a month after Taylor's death and I think that helped her cope with her loss.

"Mommy! Daddy caught me right away even though I tried to trick him!" Edward said while giggling.

"I know baby I saw" I said while smiling.

His hair was a little wild with all the running and it reminded me of Alex's messy hair. He had his green eyes as well which made him look like a tiny version of Alex. Our twins, Dylan Santiago and Diego Sebastian looked more like me with their beautiful sky blue eyes. They had the same color hair as their daddy but it was much more wavy like mine.

Santi was definitely more of a momma's boy so he came to sit on my lap. I hugged him tight and wrapped an arm around her so that he wouldn't hurt my 8 month belly. This time we were expecting a little princess. At least that was what the doctor had said. I watched Alexander distribute snacks and tease our babies playfully. I couldn't have picked a better husband and father for our five little angels. I smiled at the sky knowing one was already watching us from above.

As I did that, Alex pecked my cheek lovingly making my heart flutter. I would never get past the ridiculous attraction I felt towards him.

"Bear hug!" Sebastian screamed while giggling. All of a sudden a has three pairs of tiny chubby hands around me and a pair of strong arms around all of us. Even our little girl was kicking me inside the belly making me giggle.

I couldn't imagine having a better life than this. Despite the very low downs and high ups, Alexander and I managed to stay together because our love is stronger than anything else.

"I love you Alexander" I whispered into his ear. His smile widened and he replied.

"I love you Mia, forever and always" he said as he kissed my ring.

And just like that I could not wait to continue loving him forever.

The end.

Author's Note: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! Completing the first and second book took me forever but I did it!! I was able to finish thanks to your unending support and motivation! I hope you love their story!

Please vote and comment and just as a side note... I will begin writing my third story!!!! It will be werewolf themed but will not be the typical werewolf Wattpad story! I already have some exciting plot twists so please check it out! It'll be called Under One Moon.

Once again Thank you!

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