Eight - True Self

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Mia's POV
I woke up feeling warm but at peace. As I looked around slightly groggy, my eyes landed on Alex's clock which said the time was 7:35 in the morning.
A surge of adrenaline rushed through me because I never went home and Ethan must be worried and upset. I went around his office as quietly and as quickly as I could and when I was about to leave a strange feeling in my stomach stopped me. I did not want to leave.

I looked over at his sleeping form and decided to just go over and make sure his fever was gone. As I leaned over him and gently placed my hand to his forehead, I couldn't help but look at his beautiful lips. My hand slowly made its way to cup his cheek where his beard was barely starting to show.

I could feel his breath against the palm of my hand, ticking me, and as badly as I wanted to kiss him at that moment, I knew it was wrong. His beautiful green eyes opened and looked directly at me making my heart beat faster. I was about to pull my hand away when his hand stopped me.

He said in a husky voice, "it's amazing to wake up like this."

My heart fluttered but instead I said, "I was just checking to see if you still had a fever before I left."

He looked disappointed as he asked, "you're leaving?"

"It's Saturday morning, Ethan must be waiting for me since I fell asleep here last night."

At the mention of his name, Alex's jaw clenched and he let go of my hand. All signs of tenderness completely forgotten now.

I stood up and said, "I'll see you Monday okay?"

He curtly nodded and quietly said, "thank you for staying last night."

I was freaking out the whole way home after I looked at my phone. There were 15 missed calls, 15 voicemails and 30 texts; all from Ethan.

I was a little nervous when I opened the door since I expected him to be there extremely mad but it was silent in the living room.

I was about to relax when I called out his name and heard no reply back but then he came out of the bedroom looking furious.

He calmly asked, "where were you?"

His face betrayed him and I could see how mad he really was.

"I'm sorry I didn't call Ethan."

He looked more upset and he asked again but a little louder, "where were you?"

I took a deep breath when he began slowly walking toward me.

"Look just let me explain all the way through before you get upset... last night before I left the office Alex felt very sick so I was just staying until a doctor arrived but then the doctor said he was sick and someone should be there so I was going to call his sister but he didn't want me to, I couldn't leave him like that so I was only going to stay until the medicine took effect and I ended up falling asleep before I could text you."

I didn't realize how I had been slowly taking steps back because he kept coming closer as I kept explaining.

"I knew you were with him Mia! I knew this would happen!"

"Ethan I was but only because he was sick..."

"I'm sure that was the only reason!" He said sarcastically and angrily.

I tried to back up more because he was scaring me but I hit the wall.

"Ethan please calm down... don't yell"

"Don't tell me what to do! You don't want me pissed but you're sleeping with him!" He was screaming at me by now but what scared me more was the fact that he threw the vase on the coffee table to the floor.

My heart was pounding hard and fast in my chest. I had never seen him like this before.

I wanted to run out the door into my car but I wasn't sure that I'd make it. While I debated if I should run, he came up to me blocking me from moving at all.

He held my shoulders painfully tight and as I looked at him in fear, "you will respect me do you understand?  Next time this happens it won't be a stupid vase breaking."

He let me go after a few more seconds of holding me tightly and I couldn't help but whimper in pain when the blood rushed back to my shoulders. I would definitely have bruises there.

I didn't even know what to think, I never thought he would get to this level. I never thought I would be facing something like this so I wasn't prepared on how to act.

I knew I couldn't stay with him if he was acting like this. Our relationship needed to end.

Alex's POV

I sat on my desk chair thinking of her. This morning when she had been in my office she was so loving. I knew she was awake when she began touching my face but I didn't want to open my eyes in case she stopped. After a few minutes of caresses I needed to see those beautiful blue eyes looking into my green ones.

That broke the spell like I thought it would but at least for a second I could pretend she was all mine. I wished there was no Ethan between us because I know that I would stand a chance with her then.

That was when I realized she had forgotten her jacket in the office. That's it! That was my perfect excuse to see her. I would go return it to her. I just needed to see her eyes for a minute.

I quickly showered and dressed into khaki slacks then put in a navy blue button down. After putting on my brown dress shoes and wristwatch I did my hair and was ready to go. I grabbed her jacket which smelled as delicious as her and headed towards her place.

I got off the car excitedly and knocked on the door. The smile was immediately wiped off my face when I saw her tear stained cheeks.

"Mia are you okay? What's going on?"

Her eyes looked slightly panicked when she saw me but it was so subtle I thought I imagined it.

"Nothing I'm fine what do you want?" She whispered.

"I just wanted to return your jacket since you forgot it... are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, and thanks" she said as she took the jacket closing the door in my face.

I walked back to the car dejectedly and slightly worried so I decided to ask Taylor's girlfriend and Mia's best friend, Addison, what was happening but she did not know. All she said was Mia's birthday was Monday so maybe she was acting weird because of that which I disagreed with. She doesn't seem like the type that's worried about aging. I guess I would have to wait until Monday to see. At least shopping for her perfect gift would be a good distraction.

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