Seventeen - Equals

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Alex's POV

I woke up multiple times during the night because Mia kept moving around the bed as if having a nightmare. I would cuddle her and that would calm her down every single time. She was probably having nightmares due to yesterday's incident. I was upset that had happened mostly because Ethan got past my security. But that would not happen again which is why I doubled security everywhere and got my best men to protect Mia at all times. I added security cameras as well. It seemed like I was being overboard but I wanted to keep her safe. He would not touch her again.

I felt bad about yesterday and the way that I spoke to her but I was feeling so stressed and scared that something would happen to her. I did not mean to be so harsh but if I wasn't I knew she would not have listened to me like she did. And I needed her safe.

I sighed and got up from the bed while she was still sleeping. I headed over to the common room and called Hunter and Keen. They gave me last night's report and said nothing suspicious had happened but they were still trying to track Ethan.

I thanked them and showered. When I was getting out of my shower I saw Mia already showered and dressed up in the kitchen.

"Good morning, are you making breakfast?" I asked her pleasantly.

"Good morning and yes" she replied somewhat monotone meaning she was still upset.

I leaned against the counter and watched her go around the kitchen collecting ingredients. She wasn't acting like her usual bubbly self and that made me uncomfortable. I wanted her happy.

I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind while she was cooking and gently kissed her cheek.

"I know you're upset with me."

Her shoulders tensed slightly but she gave me no reply confirming my suspicions.

"Mia... I am sorry that I spoke to you the way that I did yesterday, but I needed you to listen to me and that did work. If I had to do it again I would as long as it meant you would be safe."

Those were honest words but probably not the best thing to say right now because I almost feel the heat of her anger. She turned around to face me.

"So you're not actually sorry??" She managed to say angrily despite not yelling.

"I am sorry that you are upset but I am not sorry I did it because you are here safe with me now."

"I'm not a child Alex! You don't get to treat me like one."

"I never said you were a child! But Ethan could have been close and I was scared for you! He could've hurt you!"

"You still don't get to talk to me like that! I can make my own decisions you know? And I was only staying outside because I wanted you to come in with me!"

"Mia I can keep myself safe but not if I'm worrying about you not listening!"

I could feel my anger rising because she wouldn't understand what I was trying to tell her. Of course I was sorry that what I did upset her. But I was not sorry I did it because it meant keeping her safe and alive. Ethan managed to evade security and vandalize my car without us noticing. Did she really think he couldn't do that again if we weren't careful enough? Until he's caught, we can't be careless.

She huffed angrily and turned the stove off leaving the food half cooked. I hadn't seen her this angry in a while but even like this she looked like a beautiful angel.

"Look Alexander, I am an adult. I can make my own decisions. I can keep myself safe. If we are going to make this work, we have to be equals and work together, you don't get to give me orders and expect me to obey. I am not one of your employees ok?"

"Mia I never said you weren't my equal! That's not it, in this moment all that matters to me is you being safe and if it makes you a little upset for me to do so then so be it but I love you and I won't let anything happen to you."

I wanted to cool things down but she definitely wasn't letting this go based on her angry and determined expression.

"You do realize how dangerous this world is right? If you're using my safety as a reason to order me around then what kind of equals will we be? Why can't I demand you to listen to me so I can keep you safe too?"

"Mia please stop being ridiculous..." I didn't mean for the words to come out like that but after I said it I realized what it sounded like to her. It wasn't that she couldn't keep me safe because she saved me from myself but I just did not really picture her physically protecting me from the dangers of the world. I was raised to believe it was the other way around.

She threw the spoon she was holding on the counter and started walking away from the kitchen.


She continued marching upstairs while I followed behind her.

"Mia baby come on...look I don't want to fight ok? Why don't we just enjoy a peaceful breakfast?"

She continued in silence and shut the bedroom door behind her before I reached the top of the stairs. I hit the wall open handed out of frustration. I just wanted to keep her safe and she reacts like this?

I decided to give her some alone time and went downstairs to get some food and complete some work on my laptop.

It wasn't until late afternoon that I heard her quiet footsteps in the kitchen. She must have been hungry but didn't want to come downstairs. I felt a little guilty that I did not try to do a second peace offering earlier but I had become engrossed in my work.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to find her eating cereal on the counter. I stood across the room from her and watched her quietly. She was usually the first to break the silence but today she kept on eating, ignoring me completely. I needed us to be okay again so I decided to go the honest and vulnerable route.

"Mia, can we please stop being upset? Baby I'm only frustrated because I love you so much and I am scared that if I don't do everything I can to keep you safe... I'm going to lose you and I can't live through that again."

Her eyes seemed to soften up and she set the cereal down.

"I understand that and I love you too but you don't think I feel the same way about you? All I wanted was for you to come in with me but you didn't even give me a chance to voice what I wanted. Look when I was with him... Ethan stepped all over me and I won't let that happen again. So please don't talk to me like that again. Even if it's for my safety, I want to feel like your equal and I can't do that when you order me around."

I could see her eyes getting watery just thinking about him and my heart softened. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry" I said honestly.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

Author's Note:
Short chapter but there's a lot more coming soon! Please like and vote if you liked this chapter!

The Healing (Book Two)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora