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~   GIRLS P.O.V ~

"I'M SO TIRED !!!" Takao Kazunari shouted as she slumped her body on the sofa.


"Yeah yeah" Takao answered as she moved her head up and down. "I got it Ami, but let's take some break"

"Yup yup" a blonde girl seconded Takao's request, Kise Ryouta.

"We've been moving Nari-cchi's things since morning and we haven't eaten breakfast. I'm getting hungry." Ryouta whined. Kagami heaved a big sigh.

"Ok ok. I willl go now to the kitchen to cook some breakfast."

Takao giggled at that and Kagami raised an eyebrow at her.

"What?" she asked.

"You always act like a mother hen."

Kagami blush at the compliment -slash- insult. "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU FUCKI---?!?!"

"AMI-SAN, NARI-SAN PLEASE DON'T FIGHT !!" that voice cut Kagami's cussing and a plain, caramel haired girl was now on her front, Furihata Kouki, pleading her puppy dog eyes on her.

"Tsk. It's not my fault, Uri. She started it." was Kagami's reply as she turn back and left for the kitchen.

As the three girls in the living room was waiting for Kagami's homemade food. Kise, as of nowhere, asks Takao.

"Hey Nari-cchi. Why did you suddenly move out? Did your parents threw you out


Takao momentarily flinched but she quickly compose herself and look at the blonde and smiled.

"Na, they didn't threw me out this time. I just want to be an independent, you know."  

"Like, Ami?" the caramel haired girl said out loud. But before she could answer it. Kagami came back with a big 4 bowls of paella in her big hands.

"Well I think If you really want to be like me you must know how to cook." she lectured as she putting the plates on the table near in the sofa.

"Oh my Ami! If I will be like you what's the purpose of the restaurants any way?" she joked as Kagami just rolled her eyes.

"Thanks, Ami. But you didn't have to put it in a bowl. You know. I'm on a diet."

"Jeez, Outa. Being a model is a bullshit , you know."

"You're a meanie, Ami. I love my job."

"So now,  guys. Since we had graduated in elementary. We will be a middle schooler you know? So where school we will be going?" Furihata asks out of the blue.

All of the three stop arguing as the plain girl blurted something serious.

Yes, serious since it was connected on their future. 

As they were eating exchange of school names was thrown here and there.

Until Kagami blurted out out. "Hey , what about Teiko?"

"Teiko? That was a prestigious school, you know. Own by the Akashi family, one of the most influencial  people here in Japan."

All of them look at the intruder, the tall purple haired girl with a lollipop in her mouth, Murasakibara Atsushi, standing in the doorway.


The tall girl pouted.

"You left me in the gate guys. After I drove your things in here, Nari-chan."

 "Sorry." the said girl pleaded. "Anyway you want some paella as a sign of peace?"

Murasakibara shaked her head.

"Do you have any candies?" she asked instead.

"Here." then the tall girl catched a plastic of lollipop that was thrown in the air.

"Thanks." she said before she sit down beside the other girls.

"Everyone it was decided!" Kise shouted as she stood up. "Were going to enroll in Teiko."

"HAI!!" the remaining girls cheered.  



A blue haired man was being dragged by a pink haired girl inside a room. When they entered two young teens was already on the table playing shogi.

"Sorry were late Sei-chan. It's because Dai-chan overslept again, and I needed to drag his ass on here."

"That's quite a good job, Satsuki. Both of you may sit down now. Daiki ...." the blue haired guy flinched.

" wouldn't get away in this I will give your punishment later."

The heterochromatic eye teen said with an authority that the two newly arrived quickly find a seat to sit down.

"Anyway since all of us are now in here."

The red haired guy stand and look at them.

"Satsuki, Tetsuya, Shintarou, Daiki all of you will enroll in the school that we own."

"You mean Teiko?" the sky blue haired teen suddenly asked. The three remaining people in the room jumped at the surprised


They all screamed but naturally the red haired guy known that he was in here even in the beginning.

"I was in here the whole time that's why Akashi-kun mention my name." the said teen spoke with a monotonous tone as he sipped in his vanilla milkshake.

"Now that you mention it. I heard it." Aomine Daiki calmly said.

"It's not like we can object right?"

Midorima Shintarou pushes his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

"Why? Are you defying me Shintarou?" Akashi calmly asks the green haired man with a deathly aura surrounding him.

"No." was his simple answer.

"I see so anyone in this room was favor on my suggestion ."

'THAT'S NOT A SUGGESTION AT ALL.'  they all think .

Akashi just raised an eyebrow and all of them immediately nodded.

They all didn't know that this will be the start of their colorful love stories.

Author's note : comments? what'dya think?

please review .... <3    

Different shades of love ~A.S.D story (KUROKO NO BASUKE FANFICTION)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora