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  ~Yellow Sunshine Meets Sky Blue~ 

 Kasamatsu sighed as the maids told him that they're lady is still sleeping."Did you really try to wake her up?" He pinched his nose to show his distress. 

 "Yes, Sir." the two maids said timidly. 

 "Well, I think I will use a hard way to wake her up." he stands up and goes to kitchen to take two pans and headed straight to his lady's room.When he opens up the room, light snores can be heard and he couldn't stop a vein that popped in his forehead. 

 When he is near enoughed he put closely the pans to the person's ear, who is still in the bed and banged them together as hard as he can.As a splendid result, the sleeping girl bounced up to the bed in shocked and fell down in her bed. 

 "Dammit! Kasamatsu!" she shrieked.

 "Language, my lady." he calmy said. 

"It's time to get up. Tardiness is not known inside the Kise's residence, so you must act accordingly my lady."

 Kise take a deep breath and stand up, "I'm going to get ready. Can you please go out, Mr. Yukio?" 

 "Yes, my lady" and her butler leaves the room. 

 'Aghhhh!! Stupid bastard butlers!' she thought. 

 When breakfast came, Kise is strickly a vegetarian because of her career and off course because she believes that beauty conqueres all, that's what her mother always say, when she was still alive.Her father shows up and she can counts in her fingers how often her father joins her to eat. It's just means something is up. 

 "Outa," her father says as he sits down and a plate was immediately bring up at his table.She straightened up and answer, "Yes, father." 

 "Akashi's cancelled your arrange marriage but without giving us some compensation they give us some access in ther company but it was only in your name and a brand new car. I'll give you a driver today. Kasamatsu!" the butler was immediately in his father's side. "Drive my daughter to her school today." 

 "Yes, Sir." he said as he bows. 

 When they we're already in her way to school. She didn't expect she could meet up one of her bestfriends, Ami. They talk a lot and when they got to school, hordes of fans plunged at her. She couldn't help but feel tired but at the same time feel happy that she gets attention that her family couldn't give. 

She immediately sign up their autographs and she can't help the little laughter that bubbled up to her throat when Kasamatsu grumbled but make sure that she is still comfortable.

'That's a payback, bastard!'

When she finished signing up, a group of girls actually followed her everywhere she goes and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous since she has anxiety about people who always followed her. So this is the moment where she curse all the threats and blackmails that her family experienced since she came from a wealthy family.

She tried to run but all the girls also copied her and that's when her athletic forms becomes useful and she run faster then tried to find an escape path. When she comes up to a dead end, she found a door to the left side, without thinking she open it and entered. It looks like she entered a bathroom and put her body in the door. She can hear the girls, asking where did she goes and they go to the other direction. 

That's when Kise go to the mirror and look at her reflection, it seems that she is the only one in here. She takes a deep breath and when he looked up at the mirror. She almost screamed when she finds that she is not the only one who's there, there's also a guy who has a sky blue hair. Why she didn't notice it earlier?

"Why you are in here?" she asked angrily. "It's the men's bathroom." he answered with a deadpanned face. Kise's jaw dropped at that so that's why the girls didn't follow her. 

'Oh, no. I need to get out here.' But when she turns to the door they both heard footsteps coming to them. 

'Too late.' she thinks.

But to her surprised the boy take her hand and they both entered a cubicle. "What are you doing?" she whispered. But instead to answer the boy put his hand to Kise's lips. She can smell a vanilla scent to the guys hands. 

"Have you heard that a new model student is in here?" one guy said.

"Yeah, I saw her today. You could say that she is really beautiful. Her name is Kise Ryouta." other guy said.

"But I think she's just other girl who likes to boast her popularity."

"Why don't we try to date her?"

"You don't have any hopes, dude."mocked the other guy.

"Well, we all know that her mother is a slut." The said guys laughed as they all go out in the bathroom. Kise feels her chest tightened as she heard the bunch of guys talk about her mother. 

She knows since her father is a barren man and she is the result of her mother's infidelity. So she knows why her father is always distanced to her. She always obey her father's orders to recover all the scandal that she brought to their household's name.

She gasped when a handkerchief caressed her face she didn't know that she was crying. 

"Let's go now. The bell will ring any second now." She nodded and they both leave the place. Thankfully there's no one outside.

When Kise reach her room she put up her facade and act like nothing happenned when she sitted down. She's quite shock when the guy who helped her earlier is sitting in front of her.

"Hello." the guy said politely. She stupidly nodded.

"Kuroko Tetsuya."

She smiled genuinely and say, "Hello there! Name's Kise Ryouta!"

The guy looked at him without any emotion- disgust, lust, fakeness. 


Then the guy turned away, she couldn't help but smile.

'Silent type is not bad at all."

Author's Note: Finally Outa and Kuroko is out. Thanks for the patient.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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Different shades of love ~A.S.D story (KUROKO NO BASUKE FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now