Time to Master the Hunting Crouch

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I woke up to a yowl coming out of the apprentices' den. It came from Rockwood.

"Wake up, apprentices! Today we are going to learn our hunting crouch!" Fishbeak stuck his head inside, along with Pinepaw's mentor, Woodpulp. Yellowfur, Webpaw's mentor was pacing impatiently outside with Skulltail.

"What took you all so long? We've been waiting for ages!" Skulltail said with a hint of growl.

"Don't be too hard on them, guys. It was their first night as an apprentice yesterday. For all of them. They must have had some troubles sleeping due to excitedness," Purred Rockwood.

I was thankful for his support and understanding.

We stalked out the camp entrance.

 "Okay, here is good. A lot of squrriels hide under the trees. Now, show us what you guys have," Said Fishbeak.

I crouched down low, keeping my lower back low enough to the forest floor so that it didn't brush. I kept my tail natural. I glanced at Rockwood for approval and he nodded, his eyes glowing.

"You are all doing well, but Icepaw, tuck your tail in. You're sticking it out. Other than that, you are all doing great. Are you sure this is only your first time?" Rockwood said jokingly. We all nodded and our whiskers twitched.

Well, since none of you seem to need our help, why don't you put this to the test. Go try it out on your own. All of you go somewhere different, and meet up here soon," Said a sly Skulltail.

We all rushed off to different places. I went to Sunningrocks, it was always full of prey this time of year. I sniffed the air, smelling the unmistakable smell of mouse. I instantly dropped down as low as I could, starting to stalk. I pressed my paws lightly. So close. By the time I had gotten close enough to touch it, I leaped straight into the air. But something else made a twig crunch and just a moment before I caught the mouse, it threw it's head up and ran into a burrow.

I searched around, wondering where that noise came from. Then I saw a flash of white fur, and Icepaw popped out of the trees.

"Icepaw! You made me lose that mouse! I almost had it, too," I said with frustration.

"I'm so sorry, Scarpaw, I had no idea you were here with me!"

"It's okay," I sigh.

My sister never caught anything, and neither did I, once the entire patrol met up once again.

The other apprentices were empty jawed also, and I'm guessing they were all as unlucky as my sister and I.

"Well, none of you caught anything, but that's perfectly fine. This was only your first day, us mentors never expected anything," Rockwood mewed.

I went to the back of the patrol as we head back to the camp.

Then I smelled it.


I crouched, instantly ready. I wasn't letting this one get away.

I got so close. Closer. Closer. Even closer...

Then I leaped.

And killed it with a swift bite.

I heard my name being called by Rockwood and struggled to call back to him, since the rabbit was basically sufficating me. He suddenly found me and dropped his jaw. "You caught that" He asked as I nodded with triumph.

We carried my rabbit home together. When I dropped it onto the fresh kill pile, lots of cats came up to me, asking how I caught that rabbit.

"Wasn't this the first day you learned your hunting crouch?" Asked Blackpaw, and I swiped him across the ear with a sheathed paw.

"You were with me, mousebrain," I purred.

I felt good. I took my rabbit and let myself in the elders' den. "Oh, if it isn't the infamous Scarpaw!" Purred our newest elder, Greenfoot.

"Yes, the whole camp is talking about how you caught a rabbit bigger than you today," Agreed another elder, Whitetail.

"Yes, I wanted to take it here, for you all to eat," I said as I plopped the large rabbit at all their paws.

"Thank you so much, Scarpaw," mewed Greenfoot. I dipped my head and backed out of their den.

I was proud.

Today I fed the Clan. I went and picked a fat mouse off the top of the fresh kill pile, with a look at my approving mentor. He must be proud, too.

I fed the Clan.

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