Prologue: The Opening

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"Her eyes should be open by now. It is scaring me how long it is taking," I heard a familiar voice say anxiously.

"Give it time, Redfeather, it won't be much longer," said another familiar voice.

"But her sister has already opened, and she didn't have as hard as a birth as Scarkit," Redfeather said urgently.

"Look," said a voice, soft and unfamiliar, that I hadn't heard before. "She's moving. Her eyes have opened.

I opened my eyes to this new world, bright, too bright. I looked over at my mother, Redfeather, and quickly nuzzled her nose with mine. My father, Duckwing, was beside her, looking down on me proudly. "I know she will be, along with her sister, an amazing warrior. I just know it."

My sister was stepping inside the nursery, looking quite impatient. "Has she opened her eyes yet? I want to show her the camp-" She saw me, eyes wide, and rushed up to me. "Scarkit! You've opened!"

"Yes, I have, Icekit!" I replied to my sister excitedly. "I want you to show me everything!"

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