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WALKING INTO A HOSPITAL WHILE BEING A FUGITIVE was surely somewhere on the list of things Isaac Lahey never thought he would be doing. He never thought he'd be a fugitive, much less, find himself walking around town casually rather than hiding in the shadows for the rest of his life. It was another thing on a long list of things he never believed would happen.

It probably would've been somewhere along the likes of number 145 on the list, which was right after "becoming a werewolf," and right before  "falling a little bit in love with a complete stranger," but he wasn't really keeping count of the absurdities at this point.

He'd already managed to complete the other two numbers and strike through them on his list—although he might as well add something about the full moon being present—so why not continue his streak of doing the unimaginable while it was still imaginable?

With a new leather jacket in tow, he canvassed the waiting room in fear of being detected.

His senses were heightened from the force of the full moon shining on the town. He could practically feel the wolf inside him clawing at skin with sharpened nails trying to find an outlet. He couldn't mistake the emotions inside of him for anything but his wolf, but any shape shifting would've clearly alerted at least two people of either his new found fugitive status, or his new found supernatural status, and both were not good ways to start off his rendezvous to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

However, with this in mind, he did find the perfect route to his intended goal: the nurses station.

By the time he had maneuvered through the patients, staff, families, and friends that had blockaded the emergency room with a devastating sort of curiosity, his eyes had scanned the available nurses for a weakness.

His eyes locked in on one almost immediately—Melissa McCall, a desperate nurse with tears leaking down her face every once in a while when she waited anxiously for the news of her daughter's condition. If he picked a few right words, he'd be handed the key to the kingdom.

And with that in mind, he chose the words he most wanted to hear about grief and love and companionship, and received a "go-ahead" signal from the distraught woman.

That's why the wolf in the leather jacket was found in the ICU later that night at the bed of a girl who had the heart of a wolf claimed as her own and that's where it all truly began—with a semi-confusing explanation and a half-decent conversation between two strangers with the capacity to be so much more.



second part of a double update for mortal. also part of my 6 year wattpad anniversary celebration updates (part idk/idk)!! i know this is pretty bad too but i didn't know what to write about but it's kind of a perfect place to bridge a gap between characterization while skye's injured to interactions now that she's awake. 
god this story is the slowest :/ but at least it won't be terribly sad from now on.

also i'm going to be in portland for the next four days so if i don't reply to things or something like that... it's because i probably don't have internet or i'm only on my phone

MORTAL ✰ ISAAC LAHEYWhere stories live. Discover now