Not A Superhero

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As soon as I got to my bed I passed out. And I woke up to a bright looking Laddie shaking me. The little sun that was showing through the cave made my head ache and I still felt tired and even more exhausted than usual.

"Andrea, I'm feeling better. Can we go to the comic book shop?"

My first instinct was to tell him no. I didn't want to be around people. Who knows what I would do. But the bigger part of me, realized that I was mere feet away from David and the boys. After last night, the images of all the blood and David's no longer perfect face kept flashing in front of me every time I blinked.

"Sure," I could barely croak out, "let me just get ready."

I could barely pick myself up, but I had to. As long as I could still go out into the sun before it burned me to death, I was still going to go out there, no matter how weak it made me feel.


It was early the next morning, and I hadn't stopped thinking about Andrea since I had last seen her yesterday. I kept thinking that any second now she was gonna come walking in with her bright smile while holding Laddie's hand.

"Alan we have to do something about this," Edgar said walking next to me as I sat at the register.

"About what?" I asked as I turned around.

Then Edgar threw the paper in front of me again. A large headline that said "Brutal Attack On Beach".

"Edgar we talked about this," I said rolling my eyes.

"Alan, those guys are who attacked Andrea yesterday," he said.

I starred down at the paper before me, "You think it's those guys Andrea's with?"

"Of course her biker friends did it. They're vampires, and they killed them for messing with her yesterday," he explained. "It all makes sense, those 4 girls killed a couple of days ago, 12 more girls since then. They only come out at night, Andrea leaves home always before the sun goes down. Then those two guys try to rape her and turn up dead the next day? They are vampires Alan, and there's no way you can't agree with me,".

"Alright I get it but what about Andrea and Laddie?" I asked.

"What about them?" Edgar asked.

"Well Andrea and Laddie live with them, who knows for how long, they killed two guys for her. And we aren't killing Andrea and Lad-" I said but Edgar cut me off.

"Did you think I was going to suggest that? It's simple, we just have to persuade Andrea to come with us. She's a perfectly, good, human being, she doesn't belong with them, deep down she knows that,".

As soon as he said that Andrea walked in. And the sight before me was all too familiar. My best friend's brother, Michael had the same look. Sunglasses, pale skin tone, exhausted looking. It was Andrea, holding Laddie's hand, but she wasn't smiling, and she looked like hell.

"No," I accidentally said allowed starring at her.

She starred back at me and like she knew exactly what I was talking about and I looked at Edgar with wide eyes while he was shaking his head.

"We're too late," he said.


As soon as I saw Alan, I almost instantly started to feel better. But the way him and Edgar were looking at me told me I should turn around and run. Alan said no, starring at me, while Edgar shook his head and said they were too late. Images started to flash through my head as I thought about the day we first met,

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