Who Do You Love?

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I woke up with a start, sitting up in bed.

"What the fuck?" I said aloud as I remembered the dream.

I was having sex with Alan. I've only known him for what? Two weeks? I mean.. he is cute, and nice, and he does have nice smile, and I do love talking to him, and that body.. I wonder if that's what it really looks like.

I took a deep breath, as a shiver ran down my spine. I got up and started to get ready for the day. Trying to forget how nice Alan's body was and how we thrust into me so hard. I shook my head, as if the thoughts would fall out but I could still feel them running in the back of my mind. Then I realized Laddie hadn't come to get me yet, and it was already 10 a.m. I walked out of my room moving the curtain out the way and going into his room to see him laying down.

"Laddie are you alright?" I asked as I knelt down by his bed.

He looked pale, and fragile, even more so than usual.

Laddie started coughing, "I don't feel good," he said and coughed again.

I put the back of my hand on his forehead and felt him burning hot.

"Your burning up," I said, "I'll be right back,".

I got up, going into the "bathroom" and looking threw cabinets to find some medicine for him but we didn't have any. Vampires don't get sick, and Laddie and I don't get sick often either so keeping up on medical supplies wasn't on our list of to do's. I went back into his room.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go get you some medicine," I told him.

All at once Laddie jumped up and ran into the bathroom and I could here him throwing up.

"Do you want anything else?" I asked feeling bad for him.

Laddie must of eaten too much last night, or something bad while we were at the boardwalk.

"Another comic please," he said looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

I smiled best I could and nodded, "Alright, anything specific?" I asked and he shook his head, "Just something superman,".

I nodded, then got up and walked out the cave and onto the beach, then onto the boardwalk. Then I remembered I told Alan I would go eat with him today. I can't do that, for many reasons. One, Laddie is sick. Two, with that dream last night, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from just throwing myself at him, and saying, "Take me I'm yours,". And I guess that's it. But most importantly Laddie is sick. I don't know what possessed me to ask him to go and eat anyway. I'll just tell him the truth, "Laddie's sick, I need to take care of him," I said aloud practicing my tone of voice. First stop, pharmacy, to help remind me that Laddie needs me back.

When I went into the store and grabbed what I needed. I went to the counter, got my money out to pay, then realized Laddie needed some food, "What's good for a sick kid to eat?" I asked the clerk.

"Depends on his or hers symptoms," the old man said.

"He's throwing up, has a high temperature, and a cough,".

He nodded, "I would say some crackers, bread, it'll soak up the nasty stuff in his stomach, and a cold 7up, to cool him down,".

I nodded with am appreciative smile paying for the medicine. When I got out the store I looked side to side for a small grocery place. I saw one and I noticed I was walking past the comic book store but it wasn't open today. That's a relief. I'll just have to tell Laddie he can pick out a whole bunch next time we visit. 

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