Hunting Time

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It's action time. So... I thought it was time for some action and show the world what the new Yuki could do with Zero's help obviously. Time for some suspense too (laughs in a creepy way*) Also, I know that Zero's personality was a bit changed in this fanfict. He would normally act coldly to Yuki and try to be as far away from her as possible and not show that much emotion, but remember. We ARE talking about a fangirl/otaku (MY*) head and crazy imagination ok?  Enjoy!

The next day felt like a truck fill with emotions just hit both of them. It was still cloudy outside, but a ray of sun managed to come through the clouds and shine on Zero.

The first thing he noticed was that he was still in bed. Suddenly, something moved under the sheets. He uncovered it, to show the small girl's body, still sleeping on top of him. She was so... calm... and... beautiful. Her long hair covered half of the bed. Her hold still tight onto Zero's shirt.

Why had he done this to himself? What he wanted was to forget her, not become even closer to her. Was he insane? Was he trying to make the wound even deeper? He was going nuts, not knowing what to do. He wanted to be like that, with her, with his Yuki forever. But. He knew that she changed. She was a pureblooded, just like her... It hurted and brought hatred running through his vains just thinking about his name. Why had he done this to Yuki? Why had he destroyed the only thing that he loved more than anything in the whole world? Kaname. He did this. He stole the only precious thing to him. Yuki.

After his mebtal break down, Zero realized he was still atached to Yuki. As gently as posible, he moved his arm off of her. Then slowly he unattached himself from her grip. She was stronger now, but nothing that he couldn't handle. He then hopped out of bed as quietly as posible and placed a pillow for her to hug. Zero then ran to the bathroom and took a shower.

"Mmmmm," moaned the small girl.

She opened her eyes, expecting a certain someone by her side. Instead, she found herself attached to a pillow.


Yuki got out off bed and walk towards the tv. She reached oit to the control remote and turned on the news.

"In other news. Five people where found dead by a local shop this morning. The bodies where found  by the owner of the shop when he went to open his shop. He then immediatly proceeded to call the police. The medical examiner determined that the cause of death was by lack of blood. The examiner also said that the victims' blood was sucked out through their necks since no other orifice was found, except for two small holes on the victims' necks. The police are still in the process of finding the culprits of this blood draining murders that have been going around town for the last few days. More infor-"

"Wha-" the tv was torned off.

Yuki turned around to find a semi dressed Zero holding the remote control. He was only wearing a pair of unbottoned jeans and towel around his neck. His hair still dripping.

"Zero..." said Yuki in a small voice.

"Go shower and come out quick. We don't have time to be watching reporters abouncing what we already know. We have job to do," his cold tone returned.

Yuki nodded and headed to the bathroom. Before entering she took a glance of Zero one last time. He was putting on a shirt. What had happened to them? Without abother thought, she closed the bathroom door and took a quick shower. Her hair was filthy. Yuki was still bot used to the long hair, but managed to keep it together.

Zero had finish dressing up. For a moment he stared out the window. He was trying to concentrate on their mission and pin-point hidind places. But. The only thing on his mind was the smell of Yuki's hair. Her warm body closed to his. Her delicate fingers holding onto his shirt. He glanced onto the bed. That would be a memory that he would tressure for the rest of his life. The only thing that will be left of her before leaving everything behind.

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