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This is part two for my Yuki and Zero Fanfict. Hope you enjoy. Now from Zero's kind of pov.
Not having Yuki around was a torture. Zero was used to Yuki being with him most of the day in class and patrolling. When he saw her this morning, it wad like a stab in the heart. He just started realizing his hidden feelings for the burnett, and now that that she became what he most hated in the world, what could he do.

His day went slower than usual. He could only think of her. Of his precious Yuki. How could he kiss her that day so sudden? How could he look to her face? Now that they knew she was a pureblood, how could he forget about the one he loved so much. At least the Kaname problem was minimized. He knew that Yuki still had feelings gor her onnii-sama, but for now he was gone.

The moment at evening, when Zero was heading to the Moon Dormitory, he couldn't stop thinking how to avoid Yuki. He knew that the universe or God wouldn't be at his side and he would have to see her no matter what. Having to even look at her was painful. Surrounded by so many of the ones he detested so much and knowing she had become one of them was even worse.

When he got to the entrance of the dormitory, it wasn't a surprise to see so many girls of the day class there. He was used to hold them back with Yuki when she was a guardian too. As always he had to struggle with so many girls and even guys.

"Such an annoying job," sighed Zero.

In that moment, his fears became real. There at the entrance was the small and fragil girl he loved so much. For a moment their eyes met. Her red, big eyes looked into his lavander eyes. The wind blew her now long, brown hair, covering part of her child looking face. He had so much he wanted to tell her, but as always he kept quiet.

His gaze soon diverted to the young, blonde hair girl at Yuki's side. She had made a vampire friend so soon. It disgust him. He turned around and kept holding the day class students back. He saw how Yuki passed by to her classes, talking so casually with the blonde one. It shouldn't surprise him. Yuki was good making friends.

After Zero made sure all the day class students were safe, away from the night class, he decided to follow a certain pureblood and her new friend. It went against his own beliefs, but even against his mind, he had to make sure that Yuki was safe around what will become her new life.

Zero followed her to the school. He was sure she didn't notice him. He stayed at a distance he was sure she wouldn't be able to sense his vampire presence. It wasn't much of problem since now she was surrounded by vampires. After watching Yuki and her friend enyer the building, Zero stayed a bit longer to make sure she was safe.

He soon notice a ptesence behind him. In a fast swing, he took bloody rose out of his jacket and pointed it to someone's head. He was sure ot was a vampire.

"Don't move, unless you want to become ash right here and make this pkace your grave," said Zero in a clam demenor.

"Hmph. So you are that guy that Yuki saw earlier. Zero Kiryu," said the blond one.

"What do you want?" Zero asked without loosing his composure.

"I should be the one asking that question. Ehy were you following us? Scared something will happen to your little princess?" said the girl.

"None of your bussiness. Now go before you end up dead," said Zero without moving the linked handgun from its position.

"Hah. You shouldn't be worried. Although, some of this vampires are very loyal to Kaname. And since the princess didn't go with him, some could be 'offended'. She should be careful, many them aren't very mercyfull."

"Go. I don't care about your little stories."

Without another word, Sara flee and Zero put down his gun. He stared at it and for a brief moment he thought about what that girl said. Why should he care? It wasn't his problem if a pureblood ended up killed by other vampires. The Yuki he knew was gone.

He went back to his dorm. Without much of a success at trying to fall asleep, he could only think of Yuki. What will happen now? He knew he will kill every single pureblood. That was his oath as a hunter. What will happen the day he will have to point bloody rose at Yuki.

Zero find himself wondering at the Moon Dormitory. It was about time the night class students went back. After a few moments, Zero realize there was no one around. Why wouldn't the night class come back. Had they return earlier? No. He couldn't see anyone around and no lights were turn on in the dorm.

"Yuki..." murmured Zero.

He ran as fast as he could to the school building. It was dark and silent. Zero walked slowly through the halls. Soon, he heard a scream coming from the other side of the building.

"Yuki!" Zero recognized the voice.

He ran as fast as he could to where Yuki was. When he turned at a corner, he saw her there. She was surrounded by vampires. When she reached out for her weapon, Yuki let it fall. Right, now that she was a vampire, she couldn't wield her weapon, contrary to Zero.

"Yuki!" Zero shouted.

"Zero?!" Yuki shouted back.

All the vampires turned and saw Zero standing there. He took out bloody rose and pointed it at them. Threatening to kill them, Zero standed in front of all the night class students with their fangs out and their eyes crimson red.

They weren't scared. The moment one of them jumped towards Zero, he started shooting. With great accuracy and speed, one by one falled to ground lifelessly. One of them sneaked out from behind Zero. Without hesitation, Zero's eyes became red and shot the vampire to death. Not without a bite on his neck and arms, Zero killed each one of the night class vampires, with exeption of one.

Zero fell to his knees exhausted by the great use of bloody rose and fighting against so many vampires all alone. Yuki ran towards him and loked into his eyes once again.

"Zero! Are you alright?! I was so scared," ctied the pureblood.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. Are you ok?" asked a concerned Zero.

"Yes. Thanks to you."

Not crossing another word, Yuki embraced him in a big hug. She burried her face into Zero's chest. Crying her heart out, Zero surrounded her tiny waist with one arm. Yuki pulled back a little and looked into his eyes with tears all over her face.

"Yuki..." whispered Zero quietly.

"Zero..." replied Yuki.

"I'm sorry..."


A gunsgot was heard and Yuki's surprised expression filled her face. She fell into Zero's arms with tears coming out of her eyes. Next thing he knew, Zero was holding bloody rose, aiming at Yuki's chest. The trigger had been pulled. His face expressionless, except for a small tear that had fallen onto his right cheek.

Panting, Zero woke up of his slumber.

"What was that?" murmured Zero to himself.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Zero jumped out of bed, grabbed his jacket and headed out. The images of Yuki's lifeless body over his lap kept haunting his mind. He soon realized where he was heading to. Moon Dormitory.

"Zero...?" called a small voice.

Interrupting his thoughts, he lifted his head. His gaze meeting a pare of familiar redish eyes. Yuki.... He had meet the fragil girl who he loved more than anything in the world.

Ok. I know this wasn't a very 'romantic' chapter. But the thing is that I had another idea gor this chapter, but then I thought, why not include Zero's thoughts. We had enough with Yuki's problems. Time to see Zero's life. Next chapter, what I had originally planned. Ganbarou! (Good luck!)

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